If a child curls his toes, I just remember how at 3 months old the neurologist prescribed us to drink Elkar on the basis that at her appointment my daughter threw her head back when the doctor pulled her arms, by the way, I didn’t do this to her at home, I didn’t train, I just didn’t know it was possible. Plus our Apgar scores (7-8 points) […]
The skin on the child's feet peels off. For what reasons does the skin peel off on the feet? Only babies can boast of smooth, pink skin on their legs. As soon as you get on your feet, problems begin: rough skin on the heels, calluses, dryness. But all these are little things that can be completely solved with constant foot care. It's worse when the skin on your legs begins to peel. What to do […]
Only the right opinion Why do my legs burn with this disease? Symptoms of the disease. Very often the reason why legs burn is the conditions and diseases described below. In severe cases, the feet and toes burn, especially at night. This condition goes away when you lower your legs down from the bed. Treatment. If your feet are burning, it will not always be due to [...]
Restoration of joints with arthrosis Arthrosis is a disease of the joints, with progressive and destructive inflammatory processes in the cartilage tissue, which makes it thin and impairs functionality. As the disease develops, the skeletal system and nearby ligaments are drawn into the pathological process. Therapeutic therapy has several goals: to stop inflammation, reduce pain and restore mobility in the affected joint. What […]
Growths on the skin: photo and name Growths on the skin are a fairly common phenomenon that occurs in many patients. Today, dermatologists note a rapid increase in the number of patients complaining of various bulges and irregularities of the epidermis. The article provides a photo, true name and description of growths on the skin, which can be either benign or malignant. Even the smallest [...]
Tights for varicose veins Varicose veins are a decrease in the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels and, as a result, their expansion. The cause of the disease may be increased pressure in the vessels, defects in the valves of the veins or weakness of their walls caused by pregnancy, menopause, or sudden withdrawal of hormonal drugs. Why is it so important to use tights for varicose veins in the early stages of the disease? Usually for varicose […]
How to treat bursitis Bursitis, or inflammation of the synovial bursa, is quite common. Such a seemingly minor disease can bring a lot of suffering to a person and significantly reduce his quality of life. Bursitis can be cured quite simply if therapy is started on time, but if the disease becomes chronic, treatment becomes much more difficult, and in some cases it may be necessary […]
Treatment of knee joints with Dr. Bubnovsky’s gymnastics Bubnovsky’s gymnastics for knee joints is an alternative treatment for diseases without the use of drugs. The therapeutic effect of the technique is based on the use of the body's own resources. The main difference between the method and the set of exercises according to Dr. Bubnovsky’s method is called kinesiotherapy. This is a new method of combating pathology of the musculoskeletal system, which rejects the use of any pharmacological drugs and orthopedic […]
Why does a vein on the penis hurt and what to do? Among the existing diseases that a man at any age may encounter, not least of all is a swollen vein on the penis. The development of this disease is facilitated by a number of factors that directly or indirectly influence. The disease may not be too severe, which is why patients consider it unnecessary to consult a specialist [...]
How to treat dry calluses with a core on the little toes Most often, calluses appear on the feet, as a result of prolonged friction of the skin on shoes or the presence of infectious diseases (for example, fungus). Calluses are much less common on the hands and other parts of the body and appear, as a rule, after heavy physical work or holding (carrying) uncomfortable and heavy objects for a long time. […]