Joint diseases - arthrosis - are very common, affecting every third person. Nowadays, there are more and more reasons for the occurrence of this disease: metabolic disorders, hereditary predisposition, functional (physical) overload. Arthrosis belongs to the category of degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the joints. With arthrosis, all elements of the joint are affected: cartilage, ligaments, articular membrane, periarticular muscles and bone. Before […]
Gout (gouty arthritis) is a disease of the joints due to the settling and accumulation of deposits of uric acid salts in them. Treatment of this disease should be aimed primarily at normalizing the level of uric acid in the patient’s blood. A special diet helps achieve this. According to statistics, people who eat large amounts of foods containing animal fat are susceptible to gout, […]
Bruises on the veins and the legs become swollen, possible causes are problems with the veins QUESTION: Painful bruises appeared on the legs from touching. For these questions, we advise you to consult a nutritionist. These specialists understand these issues much better than we do. Regarding the appearance of bruises on the legs for no reason, we can say the following. First of all, take a close look […]
Causes of dark spots on legs and treatment rules Dark spots on legs are a problem that both adults and children can face. There are many reasons for this phenomenon, some of which can be very dangerous to human life and health. Therefore, if even small dark spots appear on the skin, it is better to consult a doctor. IN […]
Diet for arthrosis of the knee joints: creating a balanced diet Arthrosis is a common disease of the joints, which is accompanied by the destruction of cartilage and causes pathological changes in joint tissues. This disease affects people of all ages, both those who perform active physical activity and those who adhere to a sedentary lifestyle. A diet for joint arthrosis is not a cure for the disease. But well-organized nutrition can [...]
What to do if your knee hurts at night? The health of the knee joints is an extremely important component of a person’s quality movement through life, because they are responsible for most of the motor functions of the lower extremity girdle. The slightest ailment can cause serious discomfort. But if these ailments occur during sleep, it develops into a huge problem. Causes of night pain [...]
Hyperosteogeny patch for bunions Many people are familiar with such an unpleasant phenomenon as a growing bunion. Those who have already encountered this problem know that in addition to pain and discomfort, hallux valgus (lat. hallux valgus) creates difficulties in choosing shoes: those with bunions on their feet cannot afford beautiful, stylish and graceful […]
What kind of disease is gout - signs and treatment, causes, diet Today we will talk about the signs and treatment of gout, the causes of its occurrence, and of course, diet, as an important element in the treatment of the disease. Gout - what is it? Gout - what kind of disease is it, and why does it occur? Gout is a kidney and joint disease that occurs [...]
Juvenile chronic arthritis Juvenile chronic arthritis (JCA) is an autoimmune disease that causes long-term (longer than 6 weeks) joint inflammation of unknown causes in children under 16 years of age. Types of chronic arthritis in children Pauciarticular juvenile chronic arthritis More than 4 joints are inflamed, so the disease is extremely dangerous. Only 5% of patients have positive rheumatoid factor, with [...]
Why do toenails turn yellow? Nail plates are an indicator of human health. If their appearance becomes atypical, we can talk about disorders in the body. Ribbed, peeling and yellow toenails not only look aesthetically unsightly, but are also a reason to worry about the internal state. At any age and at any time of the year, a person can notice a change in the color of their nails. […]