Effective medications for arthrosis of the joints and their use A large number of anti-arthrosis injections and tablets presented in pharmacies and some stores can confuse a patient suffering from diseases of the musculoskeletal system. The breadth of products is understandable - arthrosis is accompanied by many symptoms of different nature, so therapy should simultaneously be aimed at relieving signs of inflammation, pain relief, recovery, or rather, […]
How to treat a sprained leg at home. What to do if your leg is dislocated Dislocation is one of the most difficult and at the same time common injuries with which people go to the emergency room. Externally, its symptoms are very similar to those of a fracture. Therefore, when thinking about how to treat a sprained leg at home, it is worth remembering that […]
Why does the knee hurt on the outside side? Any pain in the legs, regardless of its location, may indicate the development of a serious disease. Therefore, any unpleasant sensations, discomfort when walking or running, painful conditions and disturbances in the functioning of the limbs must be perceived as a signal from your body that is trying to warn you about an impending disease or its progression. Ignoring symptoms […]
Ingrown toenail - treatment at home Such a common disease as an ingrown toenail is provoked by various factors. Usually the nail grows in on the big toe, which makes it clear that wearing low-quality or simply unsuitable shoes can lead to the appearance of such a problem. Another reason for the appearance of an ingrown toenail is excessive sweating [...]
Gout: diet and treatment for diabetes Gout and diabetes often go hand in hand. The causes of both diseases are primarily an unhealthy lifestyle. The key basis for these pathologies lies in poor nutrition (not following a special diet). The lack of a balanced diet often leads to obesity and provokes the deposition of uric acid (with gout) or causes high […]
Review of prices for laser treatment of fungus The laser beam selectively kills the spores and mycelium of the fungus without affecting the surrounding tissues. This directed action leads to the heating of microorganisms to + 47 °C, to their thermal decontamination. Onychomycosis is a fungal infection of the nail, accompanied by an unpleasant odor, burning, and unaesthetic appearance. The disease is extremely common, people become infected between the ages of 20 and 50, and the disease often affects […]
How to distinguish a fracture from a bruised toe Severe pain, difficulty moving, redness. These are all signs of a broken toe. However, similar manifestations can occur in some other cases, for example, when a finger is bruised or sprained. Meanwhile, correctly diagnosing an injury is very important, because the tactics of first aid and further treatment depend on it. The difference between a bruise and [...]
Sophia ointment with leech extract: instructions for use An unhealthy lifestyle, excessive stress on the legs and unstable hormonal levels in a woman’s body during pregnancy contribute to the development of varicose veins of the lower extremities. Of course, these are not the main causes of this disease - they are hidden much deeper, and the appropriate treatment is selected individually. However, the visible manifestations of the disease can be corrected [...]
Treating itchy skin at home Itchy skin is a fairly common symptom that accompanies many diseases. A person feels an irresistible urge to comb a certain area. Itching can be acute or chronic, widespread or local. Before you begin to eliminate an unpleasant symptom, you need to find out its cause. Itching may be caused by a malfunction of internal organs, indicate an allergic reaction, or [...]
Causes and treatment of inflammation of the joints of the fingers Inflammation of the joints of the fingers interferes with normal human activity. What can you do well when your hands hurt? During this period, you can forget about skilled labor and creative impulses; Even holding a spoon sometimes becomes difficult. Is it possible to fight such a disease? In an unadvanced state, inflammation of the joints of the fingers can be treated even with folk remedies [...]