What can you eat if you have rheumatoid arthritis? You often hear statements that treatment of the disease should include proper nutrition. Rheumatoid arthritis is no exception - it requires a special approach, special food. Based on the sample menu, you can decide for yourself what to eat. Be based on the beneficial properties of the product, taste – if it’s not tasty, don’t worry. Doctors identify 7 principles in the diet, [...]
What to do if your finger is swollen? Our life is full of surprises, which are not always pleasant and can cause us many health problems. One of these surprises is considered to be a finger injury, after which a sharp pain is felt and swelling appears, accompanied by the inability to bend the damaged phalanges. Injury or damage to a finger can occur in several ways. In order to determine the nature of the swollen [...]
Treatment of joints with bee death Diseases of the joints today are becoming more and more common both for people of retirement age and for young and middle-aged people. There is a large number of different chemical ointments, but the simplicity and accessibility of traditional medicine formulations increasingly prevails over pharmaceutical drugs. Treatment of joints with bee death is considered one of the most popular and [...]
Ingrown callus on the little toe - treatment An ingrown callus is a very unpleasant phenomenon. Especially if a callus appears on the foot. At first glance, the problem is insignificant, but it can lead to serious consequences - over time, it will become impossible to wear shoes, severe pain will interfere with walking. To prevent such troubles, you need to know how to get rid of calluses in time [...]
Features of taping the knee joint In medical and sports practice, quite often, to reduce the negative effects of excessive loads, various methods of immobilizing the joint or fixing muscle tissue are used. Taping the knee joint allows you to avoid long-term wearing of orthoses or other bulky orthopedic devices. How does kinesio taping work? To recover a damaged knee, patients have to minimize stress during rehabilitation [...]
A child has cracks on his fingers: what is the reason? Parents often notice that their child has cracks in their fingers or toes. This skin condition is very painful. The resulting cracks serve as entry points for infection and often end in suppurative processes. The causes of cracks are varied. A lack of complete animal protein in food leads to a decrease in the amount of […]
Cinnamon and Honey to Fight Arthritis A mixture of cinnamon and honey is a very powerful combination that has the ability to fight arthritis. This home remedy has been used for many years in folk medicine to treat various diseases, especially inflammatory ones. Currently, among alternative treatment methods, the combination of these natural products is very widely used, since [...]
The use of exercise equipment for varicose veins and their therapeutic effect In Russia, about 40 million people suffer from varicose veins. Is it possible to exercise on exercise equipment for varicose veins and what do experts advise? Among representatives of official medicine there are both supporters of this method and those who are sure that such equipment cannot be used for varicose veins. Varicose veins are a serious disease that [...]
Nail fungus: signs, symptoms, treatment Nail fungus is a very common disease of infectious origin that can affect not only the nail plates on the hands or feet, but also spread to the feet and other areas of the skin. Fungal diseases of the nails are quite contagious, and their causative agents are yeast-like, mold fungi or dermatophytes, which are quite resistant to high temperatures and […]
Varicose veins are a pathological change, damage to the venous walls with further thinning, an increase in diameter and the formation of local aneurysms “nodes”. Mostly, varicose veins are a disease of adults. But it often occurs in children and adolescents. Children's varicose veins are called angiodysplasia. It is usually considered an anomaly of the peripheral vascular system, when varicose veins are formed not as a result of external or internal factors, […]