What causes the skin on the legs to peel Peeling on the skin, no matter where it is, is a serious cosmetic defect. However, the whole point is that its origin can be completely different. Therefore, in order to begin the fight against this manifestation of imbalance in the body, it is necessary to initially determine the very reason for this. It is worth saying that the factors have two directions [...]
Why does pain radiate to the groin and leg? The question has always been, is and will be relevant - what is the danger of aching pain in the right side of the lower abdomen, pulling in the groin and leg? Let's look at the reasons for this problem. Definitions and concepts This article discusses the etiology, pathogenesis and clinic of the phenomenon of irradiation of pain in the groin […]
Treating Arthritis with Apple Cider Vinegar Arthritis is difficult to fight. It deprives you of free movement, doing your favorite things - embroidery, knitting, not sitting at the computer, your finger joints hurt and crack. The main way to combat arthritis is medication. There are a number of additional measures, including the fight against the disease using traditional medicine. There is no need to visit the clinic, the procedures are performed at home. Let's talk about […]
Ankylosing spondylitis Bursitis Dysplasia Sciatica Myositis Osteomyelitis Flat feet Gout Radiculitis Rheumatism Brachial Hip Other joints Spine Osteochondrosis Thoracic Hernia Treatment Other Ligaments ? Of course! The help was removed. Nothing. Apply ointments, undergo physical therapy if possible, and of course walk around. Health!? ?X-ray done? Did it grow together okay? Then let's walk around, slowly, with light loads.? ?If they refuse, then go to another doctor.? ?All […]
Treatment of arthrosis with a magnet Arthrosis is a joint disease in which cartilage tissue is gradually lost and replaced with bone. Arthrosis leads to a narrowing of the joint space, pain in the joint, its deformation, a decrease in active and passive movements in the affected joint, up to ankylosis (complete lack of movement in the joint, fusion of the articular surfaces. Many different methods are used to treat arthrosis, […]
10 exercises after surgery on a bunion Therapeutic gymnastics is an essential component of foot rehabilitation; if you do not work out the joints in the first weeks, later it will be impossible for them to regain full mobility. The doctor will show you the complex and monitor the equipment. Sit on the floor or on a chair. Bend your leg at the knee. With one hand you hold the forefoot, and with the other […]
Procedure and rules for registering visual disability It is good when a person can feel calm in the environment, enjoy the view from the window and see their loved ones. But this is not always possible. This is especially true for people who have vision problems. With serious vision problems, they have no choice but to arrange for themselves a certain […]
How to find out if you smell of fumes and how to get rid of it? Various things happen in life and it happens that after a good rest you need to quickly get yourself in order. But you need to not only look good, but also smell good. And alcoholic drinks have a bad property that retains the smell for a long time. […]
Fungal foot infections used to be so common that few people could avoid getting infected. Fortunately, starting in the 1960s and 1970s, drugs became available that actually cured patients rather than just providing relief. However, to this day, mycosis of the feet remains the most common fungal skin disease, followed by ringworm in terms of prevalence. The most commonly affected folds [...]
Innovative cream for the prevention and treatment of varicose veins Varicobooster: instructions and tips Among the abundance of products intended for the treatment of varicose veins, a special niche is occupied by all kinds of creams, gels, ointments and other medications for external use. Unlike oral medications, they have a minimal number of side effects and contraindications. The active substance is delivered directly to the affected area, bypassing the barrier function [...]