How and with what to cure and remove a callus on the foot at home quickly and effectively The appearance of a callus on the foot is not a pleasant phenomenon; moreover, it has an extremely unaesthetic appearance. It often occurs when wearing uncomfortable, tight or hard shoes. There are types of calluses, after the formation of which a person feels severe pain when walking. Their […]
How to watch stereo images? You look at the drawing, but your vision is focused not on the drawing itself, but on a point located behind the drawing. By “adjusting” your view, you will see a “hidden” three-dimensional image in these pictures. Under each picture is written the answer, which can be seen by highlighting the text. Answer: three circles (Euler circles) Answer: in the sky there is a month, stars Answer: a ring and two dolphins Answer: a teapot […]
Thick toenails treatment Treatment of thick toenails Thickening of the toenail plate is quite common, and a variety of reasons cause such deformation. The most common of these is fungus, which can be easily picked up in some public places, such as a swimming pool or a shoe store. The formation of thick nails is often caused by psoriasis or other […]
Metrorrhagia, symptoms, treatment. Metrorrhagia is uterine bleeding that worries women not only at a young age, but also at an old age. This is the so-called acyclic bleeding, which is not associated with the normal menstrual cycle. Metrorrhagia has different causes, which depends not only on age, but also on lifestyle and concomitant diseases. Metrorrhagia symptoms will have […]
How to treat foot fungus with vinegar Treatment of foot fungus with vinegar is a well-known traditional medicine. It has a right to exist because it shows good results after use. Vinegar is used in the form of foot baths, compresses and lotions. The fungus easily penetrates the skin tissue, actively multiplies there and affects healthy areas of the skin. The fungus can affect the soles of the feet, the area [...]
Is it possible to walk without a cast if you suspect an ankle fracture? Is it possible to walk without a cast if you suspect an ankle fracture (after a week and a half)? A week and a half ago, I slipped on a wet porch at the dacha and injured my ankle. My leg was swollen and it was painful. The first day I walked only when necessary and leaning on my husband or a stick. But to [...]
An effective way to treat knee bursitis is the use of ointments. These are local drugs that act quickly, penetrating the site of inflammation and pain. While the tablets pass through the stomach and are absorbed in the intestines, the ointment is already working. The main properties of ointments Warming - due to heat, the sensation of pain is reduced. Ointments are used for aseptic (non-infectious) bursitis. Antipyretic – for purulent inflammation, temperature in [...]
Lidia Petrovna: HOW I GOT RID OF A BONE ON MY FOOT IN 2 MONTHS! DON'T HURRY TO GO UNDER THE KNIFE! There are probably millions of simple, elderly and not entirely healthy women like me in our country. Each of them has hypertension, diabetes, or some other disease. Or even several. The doctors diagnosed me with [...]
Why do metatarsophalangeal joints hurt? Damage to the joints of the lower extremities is very common. Regardless of age, many people face a similar problem in everyday life. Some people have pain in their knees, and some suffer from diseases of the foot joints, primarily the metatarsophalangeal joints. Why this happens and how to get rid of unpleasant sensations are perhaps the main questions that concern patients. The foot is an important element [...]
How to treat an abscess on the leg Redness of the skin on the leg and swelling are clear signs of an incipient abscess. Under no circumstances should such education be squeezed out. Therapeutic measures are aimed mainly at accelerating the process of formation of pus in the abscess. The main cause of most existing diseases is weakened immunity. Modern man is prevented from keeping it strong by such factors as stress, [...]