If there is numbness in the feet, what are the causes and treatment? A common disease in people is numbness in the feet, the causes and treatment of which have many different options. Symptoms of this disease usually appear in people over 30 years of age. Numbness of the feet is a rather dangerous disease, because it is usually a consequence of other serious […]
One of the most common health problems that begins in childhood is considered to be curvature of the spine. Pathological violation of posture as a result of the process of deformation of the vertebrae occurs for various reasons. The problem of poor posture begins in childhood, when the child slouches, and parents do not pay due attention to this. Over the years, this leads to a variety of musculoskeletal diseases and […]
Toenail Fungus: Causes, Symptoms and Treatments A fungal infection can affect absolutely any part of the body. Fungi, like other bacteria and microorganisms, are always present in the human body and on its skin in strict balance. When the number of fungi increases for various reasons, an infection may begin. Onychomycosis, also called fungal onychia, is a fungal […]
Severe swelling of the arm after an IV drip. 10 days ago I received an Adriblastine drip. I felt that my arm was swelling above the elbow, so the needle was pricked. Treatment was prescribed: applications with dexamethosone, Detralex, Lyoton gel. The swelling has hardly decreased; it hurts to bend and straighten the arm. And yesterday evening the back of my hand became very swollen and completely swollen. Please advise what else can be done. Registration: 06/22/2006 […]
Why does my lower left back hurt and what can I do about it? What should you do if your lower left back hurts? This question cannot be answered unequivocally unless the nature of this pain and its causes are first clarified. The nature of the pain can be acute, cramping, or, conversely, constant, monotonous, aching. Pain itself is already a negative [...]
Varicose veins of the 2nd degree: symptoms and treatment features Varicose veins of the 2nd degree develop if a person missed the first symptoms of the disease, such as swelling, leg fatigue, starbursts. The disease is common among both women and men over the age of 30. If left untreated, the disease can lead to serious problems. As […]
Curling toes: cause and what to do? To deal with it faster, use the following recommendations: Apply an ice cube or any cold object to the cramped limb: If possible, lower the foot into a bowl of cool water. When the pain subsides a little, lie down so that your foot is above the level of your heart. This will ensure blood flow from the fingers and improve [...]
Who cured toenail fungus forum Author December 7, 2008, 22:55 2. Cut December 8, 2008, 03:14 3. Guest December 8, 2008, 10:52 buy Myfungar Nagellack and use it, it helps cure the fungus. 4. lykos December 8, 2008, 11:12 am Cut, how did you cut off the damaged part if your nail plate fell off halfway? to the skin/meat? And […]
The skin between the toes is peeling. The condition of the skin reflects the body's reaction to both the external environment and the processes that occur inside. Sometimes the delicate skin between the toes begins to peel off and cracks appear, often painful. If you don’t react to an unpleasant process and don’t take action, the situation will get worse. Small cracks will increase in size, damage will begin [...]
The effectiveness of treating varicose veins on the legs with Horsepower gel When treating varicose veins, dietary supplements are often used. You don't need a prescription to buy them. One of these medicines is Horsepower for varicose veins. The features of this drug will be discussed in the article. Composition and effect on the body Horsepower Gel has the following effects: Strengthening the walls of blood vessels, increasing […]