How and with what to remove swelling from the leg after a fracture. Causes of swelling: poor development of the joints; decreased blood flow due to muscle atrophy as a result of plaster application; decreased speed of lymph movement; damage to the lymphatic duct; improper use of bandages and plaster casts. There are two main reasons for leg swelling after the cast is removed: There is an increase in the blood circulation caused by a fracture. […]
Online guide to foot diseases “Why do my feet hurt?” - one of the most common questions among those that doctors hear throughout their practice. Contrary to popular belief, not only geriatric patients, but also very young clients turn to the doctor with this problem. There are a great many reasons for pain or discomfort in the legs and they are divided into several […]
What ointment for sweating feet can you buy at the pharmacy? Excessive sweating of the feet is a serious cause of discomfort for many people. An unpleasant odor that appears as a result of sweat secretion from the surfaces of the feet can cause a refusal to communicate with others. You can eliminate this problem by applying foot cream against sweat and odor. Before you start using any [...]
Abscess of a finger near the nail Various skin damage accompanies us throughout our lives. As a rule, the most common cuts and abrasions occur on the fingers. Moreover, a small wound often begins to fester, which leads to painful sensations. In medical practice, an abscess of the finger near the nail is called felon. And since pus is a waste product of microbes that have penetrated into tissues, […]
How to treat a trophic ulcer on the leg with varicose veins It is worth remembering that varicose veins of the lower extremities cannot be ignored; as a result of impaired blood supply, ulcers can form on the legs, which often leads to disability. This process is caused by a change in trophism in the tissues of the lower extremities; due to venous stagnation, the skin dies off. The formation of the specified skin defect is observed, [...]
Symptoms of the disease - pain in the legs during pregnancy Pains and their causes by category: Pains and their causes in alphabetical order: pain in the legs during pregnancy What diseases cause pain in the legs during pregnancy: - Burning, tingling and itching. - Fatigue and heaviness in the legs. - Edema, spider veins. - Night muscle cramps in the legs. Exactly […]
site about pain and from pain Leg fracture - types, causes, symptoms, treatment It is a fairly common injury in children and adults, especially in the elderly and athletes. Regardless of the location of the dislocation, as a result of a fracture, the integrity of the bone is disrupted: partially or completely. In addition to the loss of anatomical integrity, fractures of the leg bones can be accompanied by damage to soft tissues: muscles, skin, tendons, […]
Causes of Night Pain in the Legs Pain in the legs at night is a problem for many people. Many people complain to doctors that this condition comes at night, often completely unexpectedly. This phenomenon can be explained not only by the presence of problems in the muscles or ligaments, but is often a symptom of other diseases. Pain in the legs may be accompanied by severe cramping, redness, […]
A set of physical exercises and gymnastics for the prevention of flat feet As you know, a person is born with a flat foot shape. Its full physical formation is completed by the age of 4. It is by this age that the arch of the foot should form. If this does not happen, the doctor diagnoses flat feet. In order to strengthen the muscles of the feet, you need to do exercises for flat feet every day. For the foot you need [...]
Aging is a natural process, during which metabolic disorders occur and the functioning of system organs is disrupted. Because of this, edema appears in old age. They may cause severe pain, itching, and a large number of ulcers. It is necessary to be attentive to the disease, swelling can be a dangerous signal, it indicates that a malfunction has occurred in the body, timely […]