How to treat toenail fungus with iodine It is extremely important for any person to take care of their health, including their nails. The most common disease affecting the nail plate is onychomycosis or fungus. You can get a pathogenic infection through contact with an infected person or using an infected personal hygiene item (scissors, nail file, shoes or socks). The most favorable environment for [...]
The meaning of toes in men The meaning of toes - character traits and interesting facts The meaning of toes determines their influence on the character, destiny and various areas of a person’s life. Knowing these characteristics, you will be able to unravel the hidden traits of the people with whom you interact. The meaning of toes Few people know that each of the toes [...]
A complete review of pelvic varicose veins From this article you will learn: why pelvic varicose veins are considered a separate disease and not a type of varicose veins of the legs; who may get this disease and why. Manifestations and diagnosis of this pathology, how to treat it correctly, chances of recovery. Varicose veins of the pelvis are weakening of the walls of the internal [...]
Causes of swelling of the right leg If the right leg swells, this means that fluid stagnation has formed in its tissues, which can cause pain. Why do such phenomena occur? Etiology of the disease When one right leg swells, the reasons may be different. Factors that lead to swelling of one leg, particularly the right leg, are the following: Varicose veins. It may appear due to [...]
Why do your toes go numb? If you are familiar with the situation when your toes go numb, you understand how unpleasant it can be. This condition may even be accompanied by tingling of the feet, dullness or pain, as well as a slight burning sensation in the legs and chills. When your fingertips or entire fingers regularly go numb, you need to find out the root causes of the disorder, which are sometimes associated with cardiovascular and […]
Treatment of varicose veins of the lower extremities Varicose veins are always characterized by transformation of the veins and changes in the functioning of the entire venous system. As a result of the dilation of the veins, blood flow in the venous system is disrupted, which leads to a slowdown in the flow of blood back to the heart. All this leads to serious consequences (trophic purulent ulcers, pulmonary embolism). Therefore, the main reasons for the development of varicose veins [...]
Medicine for leg swelling: how to choose the right one? One of the pressing problems among women and men is swollen feet. Often the swelling goes away on its own, but in most cases the precedent is repeated more than once, thereby hinting at certain pathological changes in the body. What could be the reason? Is it possible to fix everything? How to prevent swelling? About it […]
Why does a child have dry skin on his legs and what care is needed? The human skin is a reliable shield that protects internal organs and the entire body from injury and the negative influence of the environment. Any internal problems or diseases are immediately signaled by external manifestations. Dry skin on a child's feet may occur due to improper care or health problems. It is important to be on time [...]
First aid for a broken leg A person can get injured regardless of location: in the gym, on a slippery road, at work, in an accident, and even at home. Getting a fracture is always accompanied by painful sensations and partial immobilization of a person. Timely first aid can relieve a person’s pain, speed up the treatment process, and in some cases […]
Trips to the sea with arthritis The enchanting rustle of waves, a light breeze, the gentle sun, the cries of seagulls, warm, flowing sand, all this fits into one beautiful word - SEA. In the presence of chronic diseases, it is necessary to measure how one or another natural component will affect the course of the disease. How can a holiday at sea affect the course of arthritis? What forms of arthritis […]