treatment of joints and spine
?Perhaps this is a vascular disease, thrombophlebitis. Then you need ointments based on horse chestnut. If the pain is of a rheumatic nature, then rub and ointments with a warming effect. , which is contraindicated in thrombophlebitis. If pain occurs in the heat, cool baths and wraps will bring relief. In general, there is nothing better than lilac tincture - its action relieves almost all pain in the legs. Only you need to make it yourself.? ?CAT?
?Cardiovascular diseases, in addition to edema of the lower extremities and thrombophlebitis conditions, cause pain of an obliterating nature. This is a special type of atherosclerosis of the blood vessels of the circulatory system. If your legs hurt below the knees, this is a consequence of disruption of the main blood flow in the arteries, especially the lower leg. The lumen in them narrows due to plaques, the internal lumen becomes narrow. There is pain in the calf muscles and intermittent claudication is observed. The disease does not allow long walks or walking distances, which forces the patient to sit down, rest, and then the pain symptoms decrease. If the disease develops, then over time the sensation of pain will not be left alone. An important sign is dry skin, flaking or hyperkeratosis. If you pay attention to such points in time, you can avoid serious complications that will lead to surgery.?
?These include osteochondrosis of all sections of the spinal column, sciatica, and lumbodynia. If the lumbar region is damaged, especially if there is a herniation or protrusion of the disc, pain may occur along the nerve roots-branches, on the right or left leg. This type of pain intensifies when turning, bending, or awkward movements and occurs in the lower leg and can radiate to the foot. It is often accompanied by numbness of the limb, which is already an alarming symptom.?
?When playing sports, it is recommended to protect the knee with special knee pads, a wedge heel and a special bandage.?
?Osteoarthritis therapy consists of pain relief and restoration of the affected tissues of the joint and its components, as well as restoration of motor function. To begin with, if possible, the cause of the disease is determined, and if it is established, then there is a need to eliminate it. For example, the cause of osteoarthritis is excess weight, then the patient is asked to lose weight. In addition to drug treatment, the doctor prescribes additional therapeutic measures: physiotherapy, acupuncture, massage, physical therapy and others.?
?The position of the knee joint is felt unstable.?
?Excess weight provokes joint damage.?
?New growth under the knee (Becker cyst).?
?also taking painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs.?
?This category includes dislocations, bone fractures and diseases such as arthritis, arthrosis, inflammation of the knee menisci. If the leg bone below the knee hurts, then this is an alarming symptom, because unlike muscle pain, this is usually a sign of a serious illness or injury.?
?probably bruised, probably didn’t notice how she hit herself?
Lack of vitamins (hypovitaminosis), especially if the patient is a fan of strict diets, can lead to pain in the legs, which is especially acute at night. They are accompanied by cramps in the calf muscles and in the top. This indicates a lack of the elements potassium, iron, and magnesium. This can be easily corrected with the help of multivitamin complexes and proper balanced nutrition.?
?This form of causes can also include flat feet. If you do not wear special orthopedic shoes or insoles, the patient will experience pain not only in the foot, but also in the shin and knee. The development of flat feet must be monitored from childhood and timely treatment and preventive measures must be taken: gymnastics, massage, wearing arch supports.?
?If a person’s activity involves monotonous leg movements that affect the structure of the knee joint, then a warm-up should be introduced during breaks.? ?This disease is mostly characteristic of boys aged 11 to 18 years, especially it occurs in those who are actively involved in sports. The essence of Schlatter's disease is that the tibial tuberosity is injured, which in adolescents is still in a loose state.?
?If a tendon or ligament is sprained, first aid is provided in the same way. To begin with, cold is applied to the damaged area. Then it is necessary to immobilize the joint using a splint or elastic bandage and place it in an elevated position. If the patient is in severe pain, painkillers can be given. Seek help from a doctor.?
There are many reasons for the appearance of pain under the knee, but they are mainly associated with inflammatory or traumatic injuries to the tendons. See similar symptoms of pain in the legs below the knees here. If your leg hurts under the knee, it is mainly due to damage or inflammatory disease of the tendons. Tendons are very sensitive to sprains, injuries, inflammation or ruptures. Although they are strong, they cannot stretch much. In addition to the fact that acute pain under the knee can occur due to tendon disease, it can also appear as a result of serious illnesses. For example, a ruptured meniscus or a fracture of the patella, dislocation or inflammation of the periosteum. Mostly, athletes suffer from tendon diseases. There are even specific definitions of diseases for a particular sport: “runner's syndrome”, “jumper's knee” or “swimmer’s knee”. But these diseases have also been confirmed by those who do not engage in active physical exercise and even children. Varicose veins, which are accompanied by heaviness, throbbing, or a nagging pain under the knee, can also cause pain under the knee. Uncomfortable shoes that do not allow the knee joint to bend normally can also cause tendon strain.
?Ligament sprain or rupture.?
?Let's look at the main reasons why legs below the knees may hurt.?
?This will mean that you should have sex lying down, not standing..?
?Inflammation or rupture of tendons.?
?Many people complain that they have pain in their legs behind their knees. Such pain occurs for many reasons. The knee joint, being the largest and most complex joint in the human body, is subject to daily stress and is often subject to various types of inflammation, injury and damage.?
?It is necessary to undergo an x-ray - perhaps there was a bruise or a crack.. You are a young man who will take this phenomenon seriously..)))). Actually, I read it a long time ago. that men who drink a lot of alcohol during a hangover have pain in the leg bone (withdrawal) What a strange phenomenon! ! I hope this does not apply to you..))))?
?beginning gradually (up to 10 days), then acquiring a more pronounced and permanent character;?
?Patient complaints that their legs hurt below the knees often manifest themselves at stages when the disease is already developing. In the initial period, few people paid due attention to this fact. These pains can occur at night or in the evening, are not associated with overload of the body, and do not depend on weather conditions. Painful sensations can vary in strength and intensity, in sensations and perceptions. They affect both the foot and the lower leg, causing suffering. Why do my legs hurt below the knees? Let's try to figure it out.?
?In medicine, the kneecap is called the patella, which is located in front of the knee joint. This is a very small bone that protects the knee joint.?
?the leg does not bend or unbend;?
?If you press on the knee, sharp pain occurs.?
?Softening or deformation of articular cartilage.?
?Traumatic injuries caused by physical exertion or as a result of improper warm-up before long-term active training.?
?This list includes causes that are not directly the result of damage to the legs below the knees, but can cause pain in them. Such factors are a violation of the water-salt balance in the body, inflammation of subcutaneous adipose tissue, radiculitis, pregnancy.?
?First of all, this is a lot of physical activity, which can cause muscle pain, and sometimes severe cramps. In addition, cramps in the calf muscles can be caused by a lack of certain microelements in the body (potassium, calcium, magnesium). These causes of pain in the leg muscles below the knee are quite easy to eliminate. More serious are cases of inflammatory processes in the muscles, as well as pain caused by various injuries and sprains.?
?Well, if it didn’t hit you, then maybe you, like grandmothers, have pain in bad weather.?
?When driving, crunching and clicking noises are heard.?
?Injuries resulting from a bruise, fall, blow.?
?Pain can be different in type, frequency and place of occurrence, but it is always an unpleasant sensation, because if the leg hurts below the knee, then, naturally, it has to be treated.?
?Damage to ligaments and tendons?
?First we need to take an x-ray. No normal doctor will just give advice?
?the limb changes color, becomes purple, the right or left side swells greatly;?
?Often, professional responsibilities force you to be in the same position. These are teachers, salesmen, machine workers, hairdressers. By evening, my legs swell and hurt a lot, especially below the knee. Due to stagnation associated with work, pain can bring unbearable torment.?
?Inflammatory processes in a joint or periarticular bursa: arthritis, gout, osteoarthritis, bursitis.?
?The easiest, most treatable problem is muscle pain or cramps. If they are a consequence of physical overstrain, then they do not require any specific treatment except massage and gentle treatment. If your legs below the knee hurt at night and cramps occur, then this symptom is most likely caused by a deficiency of microelements and requires taking vitamin supplements.?
?The most common cause in this case is a sprain. But there are possible options for damage and inflammation of the ligaments and tendons, usually requiring long-term treatment (for example, ruptures).?
?Maybe I pulled a muscle?
?The pain intensifies so much that it is impossible to step on your foot.?
?Often, pain occurs in athletes who withstand extreme loads on joints and bones due to jumping, running, and strength training. This pain can be acute or constant, aching. In these cases, only unloading the joints and frequent changes of body position help. This is done for proper distribution of blood flow within the body.?
?Treatment of a patellar fracture is determined by the nature of the fracture and the displacement of the fragments. Fractures can be stable or unstable. With stable fractures there is no tendency to displacement; with unstable fractures, displacement has already occurred or will occur in the future. If there is no displacement of the fragments, then treatment occurs in a conservative manner. A cast or orthosis is applied to the knee joint for up to 6 weeks. If there is even a slight displacement of the fragments, then the fragments are combined using the surgical method and the surface of the joint is restored, after which the cup is fixed. A kneecap fracture is a very serious and severe injury. Subsequently, such a fracture may develop arthrosis, which will cause pain in the joint.?
?One of the common diseases of the knee joint is osteoarthritis, which can lead to deformation of the knee joint and immobility of the knee as a whole. Osteoarthritis is a chronic disease in which joint cartilage is gradually destroyed and mobility is impaired. People over 40 years of age are most susceptible to this disease. These are mainly women who are overweight. Excess weight puts a lot of stress on all joints of the legs, including the knee. Also, the development of the disease is associated with disruption of metabolic and hormonal processes. In people over 60 years of age, this disease is caused by age-related changes and aging of the joints. At this age, self-healing of cartilage tissue no longer occurs.?
?The damaged area swells.?
?Infectious processes: sexually transmitted diseases or psoriasis.?
If the leg hurts below the knee in front, then this most often indicates an inflammatory process in the tendon tissues or joints, the development of which is usually associated with sports and resulting microtraumas. With such symptoms, the most gentle regimen is prescribed, up to the application of fixing bandages, eh?
?Injuries and diseases of bones and joints?
?I had this. This is rheumatism. It happens even in children and even more so in adults. Apply ointment for rheumatism on your feet and place them on a high place, such as a pillow. You need to rest for at least the evening. Then apply the ointment for a week. Does it help?
?In especially dangerous cases, such phenomena can lead to gangrene and amputation of a limb. With this nature of the disease, trophic ulcers with purulent discharge can often occur, which also requires immediate medical intervention. Similar symptoms may be associated with manifestations of cardiac pathology. The only difference is that swelling appears on both legs at the same time.?
?Sometimes an injury that may have been suffered in childhood makes itself felt in the form of a pain syndrome. Any mechanical damage particularly affects the structure of the bone and ligament. Over time, inflammatory processes appear in the front or back of the lower leg, and swelling is detected at the site of the traumatic injury. Therefore, any injury must be treated and preventive procedures periodically carried out to avoid consequences.?
?For an article on the topic about pain under the knee in the back, see the link.?
?Osteoarthritis causes pain under the knee cap, a feeling of discomfort, rapid leg fatigue, difficulty moving the knee, swelling and deformation of the knee may appear. At the last stage of the disease, severe pain appears under the knee and in the knee itself, the muscles around the knee become atrophied. Movement becomes severely limited or even impossible. It is possible to cure the disease at this stage only by implanting a knee joint.?
The shin is the part of the leg from the knee to the heel. Pain in this area can be due to injuries to the muscles, tendons, ligaments, blood vessels or periosteum. Therefore, people can very often complain that it hurts under the knee in front. Painful sensations can appear once after excessive physical exertion or due to a lack of microelements. Let's take a closer look at why the bone below the knee hurts, which doctor you should consult for advice so that he can prescribe the correct and effective treatment.
The bone below the knee may hurt due to the following factors:
The bone below the knee may begin to hurt due to severe bruising, which occurred during sports activities when the leg collided with hard objects. In this situation, the front knee begins to hurt severely, swelling and bruising appear, which can make themselves felt even a couple of days after the injury.
Acute pain below the knee is caused by the following injuries:
The bone below the knee at the front may become painful due to obesity. In this case, the first task should be to lose excess weight, and then diagnose and prescribe treatment for the pain itself.
The bone at the front of the knee may also become painful due to the development of a cyst, which can form due to arthritis. If the pain is of this origin, it is important to treat the arthritis first.
The knee joint may begin to hurt due to problems in the hip joint or pinched nerves. To solve this problem, it is important to undergo comprehensive treatment according to the recommendations of an osteopath.
The bone below the knee in front may hurt:
to contents ^
A child may experience pain under the knee due to a childhood injury or due to vascular disorders. Teenagers often complain of pain in their legs, since at this age the skeletal system develops very quickly. Children's knees begin to suffer due to lack of blood supply. Such symptoms may go away on their own after some time, when the child grows up a little, in other words, when he outgrows the disease.
The area under the knee in children may begin to hurt due to rheumatism or spondyloarthritis. With these diseases, the joints hurt and swell, and sometimes the temperature rises. Pathology in the bone can be detected by taking x-rays. Treatment is prescribed by doctors such as a rheumatologist, orthopedist or therapist.
Children must be under constant medical supervision, follow a special diet and take certain anti-inflammatory drugs.
If pain in the bone below the knee in the front part occurs due to a disease such as arthrosis, it is recommended to first consult a general practitioner, then a rheumatologist and a surgeon.
Treatment of pain in the knee bones is also carried out by a traumatologist, arthrologist, orthopedist, physiotherapist, chiropractor, massage therapist or physical therapy instructor.
A couple of highly specialized specialists can treat, advise and monitor treatment at once. In addition to visiting the doctors described above, it is recommended to undergo a complete medical examination to exclude the development of serious diseases.
To diagnose the cause of pain in the anterior part of the knee bone, you need to undergo a comprehensive examination, which consists of ultrasound, radiography, MRI, CT, arthroscopy and other studies. If the doctor suspects the presence of problems in the blood vessels of the legs, additionally it is necessary to carry out vascular central dosage scanning, contrast angiography, and radionuclide diagnostics.
Depending on the severity and cause of bone pain in the front below the knee, treatment can be carried out on an outpatient basis or in a hospital. Therapy is carried out using medications, physiotherapy, physical therapy or other effective and therapeutic methods.
In very advanced situations, in order to cope with pain in the bone below the knee, you need to resort to surgery.
For pain and swelling in the lower legs, it is recommended to raise your legs above your head in the evenings. Thanks to this simple action, blood flow from the veins improves. After resting, take a foot bath with sea salt.
Pain in the area below the knees can be relieved with warm baths and wiping the legs with pieces of ice, which are wrapped in cloth. It is recommended to wipe the area of the shins, calves, ankles, ankles and feet with ice.
Since bones and joints can begin to hurt due to excessive weight, it is recommended to adjust the menu to normalize body weight. If you are overweight and you are unable to overcome obesity on your own, it is important to consult a nutritionist.
Treatment of bone pain below the knee using traditional medicine can be done as follows:
Knee pain should be treated based on the severity of the injury. In case of intense and severe pain, the first step is to relieve the pain, fix the knee and take the patient to the hospital.
If the pain in the bone below the knee in front is not very strong, the following treatment can be performed:
For serious injuries, pain is treated surgically.
If you promptly detect the cause of pain in the bones below the knee and begin proper treatment, you can completely solve the problem.
Athletes must include in their diet foods that strengthen ligaments and cartilage tissue. It is useful to eat right and also monitor your weight to prevent the development of obesity.
If you have already undergone treatment for bone pain below the knee, it is important to develop the joint, fix the knee with an elastic bandage, and take special medications that strengthen blood vessels, ligaments, tendons and bone tissue.
Preventing knee pain:
Now you know why pain occurs in the bone below the knee in front. Which doctor should you contact in this case, what treatment should you undergo and what should you do in the future to strengthen your joints.
Have you ever experienced unbearable joint pain? Judging by the fact that you are reading this article, you or your loved ones are faced with this problem. And you know firsthand what it is:
You've probably tried a bunch of medications, creams, ointments, injections, doctors, examinations, and, apparently, none of the above has helped you. And there is an explanation for this: it is simply not profitable for pharmacists to sell a working product, as they will lose customers! This is precisely what leading rheumatologists and orthopedists in Russia jointly opposed, presenting a long-known popularly effective remedy for JOINT PAIN, which REALLY TREATS, and not just relieves pain! Read more.
Pain in the leg muscles below the knee is common, especially if a person has been physically active the day before. But if it does not go away within four days, and, importantly, bothers a person at night, you should immediately consult a doctor.
Why does my leg hurt below the knee in front? It is often very difficult for a person to distinguish between pain in a muscle from overwork and pain in the leg due to some pathology, so it is very dangerous to make diagnoses while sitting in the kitchen with friends; it is better to go to the doctor once and once again make sure that everything is in order.
Interesting! In medicine, muscle pain is called myalgia.
Still, the main cause of myalgia in the lower leg muscles is physical fatigue. Pain in the front of the knee can occur for the following reasons:
Some even believe that if after physical activity the muscles do not hurt the next day, then the training was ineffective. Of course, this is an erroneous opinion, since there should be no soreness in trained muscles.
Separately, it is worth considering myalgia in the front of the lower leg. The bone below the knee in front hurts when running or walking, after a long break, or if a person has never been involved in sports at all. It feels like pain in a bone, but it is not the bone that hurts, but the periosteum - the tissue covering the bone. This discomfort is especially unpleasant for athletes preparing for competitions; they may experience such pain as a result of increased loads.
There are a lot of arteries and veins in the legs, which experience enormous stress every day and can malfunction.
Caused by atherosclerotic plaques growing on the walls of blood vessels and narrowing the lumen. As a result, blood circulates poorly through the veins, and stagnation in the veins begins, causing muscle pain. With such pain, when walking, discomfort appears below the knee, which forces the person to stop.
Pain below the knee can also be attributed to vascular pathologies. Varicose veins require careful examination, since in its final stages surgical intervention may be necessary.
In medicine, there is the concept of restless legs syndrome.
It manifests itself in the fact that a person experiences discomfort in the lower leg area at night. In order to relieve these sensations, you have to get out of bed, walk, stretch your legs, but this only brings relief for a while. As soon as a person falls asleep, the pain returns again. Restless legs syndrome has several causes:
Due to the fact that such a symptom may be the only sign of incipient diabetes, it should never be ignored.
Separately, you should consider discomfort under the knee in front, since this pathology has many causes:
Pain from damaged ligaments and tendons has similar symptoms:
Based on the clinical picture, the doctor determines the source of pain. If required, conducts a more in-depth diagnosis and then prescribes treatment.
A torn meniscus is quite often the cause of pain in the front of the knee. The main symptoms are:
If there is a suspicion of a meniscus tear, you should urgently consult a surgeon, since even experienced surgeons cannot always accurately diagnose this case.
Important! An undiagnosed meniscus tear may not manifest itself over time; pain may occur only when going down the stairs.
Unfortunately, if a meniscus tear is detected, the only option is surgery to treat it.
This disease most often affects people over 40 years of age. Manifests:
In the final stages of osteoporosis, only knee replacement can help.
More often, pathology and pain occur in adolescents involved in sports.
As in other cases, this disease requires consultation with a specialist. In the initial stage of the disease, only rest will be required; in more advanced cases, a splint will be required.
Sometimes a person discovers a swelling under his kneecap, and the first thought that arises is cancer. But a tumor below the knee does not always mean a malignant tumor. The bone in the leg below the knee hurts in the following cases:
According to statistics, 50% of people over 40 years old suffer pain under the knee, thinking that these are just age-related changes. This attitude in the future leads to a whole bunch of diseases and complicates the treatment process. Fortunately, modern medicine has stepped far forward and copes well with timely diagnosed leg diseases, which allows us to answer the question of why the bone below the knee hurts. It is necessary to remember that the most important thing for a quality and fulfilling life is health.
Among the numerous factors ensuring the vital functions of the human body, micronutrients are of great importance.
Please advise on the results of laboratory tests:
- parathyroid hormone 74.8 pg/ml (normal 15.0 - 65.0 pg/ml) (!)
- ionized calcium (serum) 1.24 mmol/l (normal 1.16 - 1.32)
— phosphorus 0.96 mmol/l (adults norm 0.81 — 1.45)
— Insufficiency of cerebral circulation against the background of osteochondrosis of the cervical and thoracic spine, complicated by spondyloarthrosis of the spine, arthrosis of the uncovertebral joints, protrusions of the discs of C3-C4, C4-C5, C5-C6, C6-C7 vertebrae.
- Deformation of the Th8 vertebral body (on spondylograms Th1-L2, the Th8 vertebral body is flattened, increased in anteroposterior size) - according to x-rays from 2005. Osteochondrosis of Th1-L2 discs.
(I have had problems with my spine since I was 22 years old.)
— Sporadic (non-toxic) goiter, stage 2. (T4 free - 15.02 pmol/l (normal 9.0-20.0 pmol/l); T3 free - 4.42 pmol/l (normal 4-8.3 pmol/l); antibodies to thyroperoxidase 6.5 IU/mi (up to 50 IU/ml ); TSH - 1.63 mIU/ml (normal 0.25 - 5.0 mIU/l).
- Tonsillitis. Hypertonic disease.
Average heart rate for 20 hours 37 minutes 83/min.
Sleep: 00:40 07/08/15 - 08:15 07/08/15 Heart rate during sleep 72 min, while awake 89/min.
Circadian index 1.23. Norm 1.22-1.44.
tachycardia (>110) 00:21:29 (1.7%) Maximum heart rate 129/min. registered 07/07/15 17:12:40
Minimum heart rate 60/min recorded 07/08/15 07:55:45
Total 103278 Normal (N) 102659 (99.4%)
Ventricular (V) 153 (0.1%)
Confluent (F) - no, aberrant (B) - no, induced (G) - no.
Unsuitable (A) 225 (0.2%)
Minimum RR 200 (07/07/15 20:25:56) Min. RR (NN) 270 (07.07.15 15:52:39)
Maximum RR 1605 (07/08/15 00:09:09) Max RR (NN) 1032 (07/08/15 07:47:44)
>1700 ms 0 cases
>2.RR 4 cases lasting 1248 (1200-1315) ms
During 24-hour monitoring, sinus rhythm is recorded with a frequency of 60 at night, and during the day from 70 to 110 beats. per min.
The tendency of sinus rhythm to normosystole, a decrease in frequency at night, with a moderate increase in rhythm frequency during physical and emotional stress.
At night, a small number of monofocal single ventricular extrasystoles were recorded (class 1 according to Laon).
During the day, regardless of the frequency of sinus rhythm, the different amplitudes and polymorphism of the T wave are recorded.
Against the background of sinus tachycardia, ST segment depression of 0.5 mm is recorded.
Glucose (normal) - 4.2 mmol/l (3.9-6.2 mmol/l)
WBC (white blood cell count) 4.19*10^9/l
LYM% (lymphocyte percentage) 22.10%
MID% (percentage of monocytes) 13.16%
GRA% (percentage of granulocytes) 64.74%
RBC (red blood cell count) 4.75*10^12/l
HGB (hemoglobin) 130 g/l
MCHC (average hemoglobin concentration in erythrocytes) - 357.54 G/l
MCH (average hemoglobin content in 1st red blood cell) 27.39 pg
MCV (mean erythrocyte volume) 76.62 fL (slightly reduced, normal 80.0-99.0 fL)
HCT (hematocrit) - 0.36 L/L
PLT (platelet count) 303*10^9/l
eosinophils 7% (slightly increased, normal 0-5%)
aldosterone 146.242 pg/ml (normal standing/sitting 70.0 - 300.0)
potassium (serum) 4.43 mmol/l (normal 3.5 - 5.1)
I have never received serious treatment: I have the results of examinations and x-rays, but making a diagnosis is a problem. Today I do not see a way out of the situation. Everything is so confusing.
CALCIUM (from July 4, 2015) - 1.7 mmol/l (with a norm of 2.1 - 2.6 mmol/l).
— Osteochondrosis, spondyloarthrosis of the spine. Arthrosis of the unco-vertebral joints. Protrusion of discs C3-C4, C4-C5, C5-C6, C6-C7 vertebrae.
— Deformation of the Th8 vertebral body. Osteochondrosis of Th1-L2 discs.
— Sporadic goiter of the 2nd degree.
— Arterial hypertension, tachycardia.
In 2002, blood calcium was at the lower limit. So I paid more attention to treating the spine.
Since 2004, the condition began to worsen: weakness, bone pain; There was uncertainty and unsteadiness when walking, frequent dizziness and headaches; in 2005, an X-ray revealed a deformity of the Th8 vertebra.
More than 4 years ago, painful cramps in the leg muscles appeared - they go along the posterior-lateral surface of the thigh and go down below the knee (now daily).
general blood analysis-
leukocytes-8.1(4.0-8.8) monocytes12(at normal 3-8), erythrocytes5.04(3.5-5.2) hemoglobin154(117-155) ESR 1(2-15)
BMD Femur Troch Right.-0.710 g/cm2 with T-criterion-1.2 should be considered moderately low, There is a moderate risk of fractures,
normal T-criterion is more than -1 SD. stiffness is between -1 and 2.5, osteoporosis is less than -2.5. Treatment with bisphosphonade, calcitonin, calcium supplements and vitamin D is recommended (from the conclusion). The doctor who referred for this examination In the card I wrote a diagnosis of Osteoporosis, prescribed Airtal 1 tablet-2 r, 10 days, Neurobion 1 tablet per day for a month and Alpha D3 Teva 1.0 1 tablet for 3 months, when I asked about the reasons for this, she said that the consequences were after childbirth (although I took it throughout the pregnancy and feeding vitamins, and I always try to eat well). At the same time, I began to have tingling sensations in my legs, arms (a little less often) and back, my legs periodically go numb, my back is slightly pulled. I went, just in case, with all the tests to another rheumatologist - she said that everything was generally normal with me and there was no osteoporosis, despite the results of densitometry, and she prescribed me afobazole (a month), 5 injections of neurorubin (3.0) and arcoxia again On the same day, I visited an endocrinologist; she confirmed osteoporosis and prescribed an ultrasound of the thyroid gland.
conclusion - the formation of a paratracheal lymph node/adenoma in the projection of the beds of the right lower parathyroid gland? The doctor who performed the ultrasound said that if it is an adenoma, then this very osteoporosis may be due to it.
PARATHORMONE-39.56 (norm - 15-65), ATk to TG 18.03 (norm less than 115), ATk TPO-18.46 (norm less than 34) TSH-3.32 (norm 0.27-4.20 ) ANA-not ready, IONIZED CALCIUM-1.06 (normal 1.12-1.32), POTASSIUM-3.6 (normal 3.5-5.5) SODIUM-133 (normal 135-156)
Magnesium-0.79 (norm 0.7-1.05) PHOSPHORUS-1.32 (norm 0.87-1.45) ALKALINE PHOSPHATASE-63.1 (norm up to 187),
Which treatment, out of the ones prescribed above, will suit me? So far, out of everything, I’ve only given 2 injections of Neurorubin and taken 3 tablets of Airtal, I’m trying to endure, because I’m afraid to swallow everything, while the doctors make different diagnoses ((I WILL BE VERY, VERY GRATEFUL IF YOU PAY ATTENTION, YOU WILL HELP WITH ADVICE. THANK YOU.