It is wrong to think that there is nothing wrong with numbness in the legs. And those who think that even at home they can cope with this problem are mistaken. To effectively treat this condition, it is necessary to know the reasons for which it occurs so that you can choose the most appropriate method of treatment.
Numbness of the legs manifests itself not only as a loss of tissue sensitivity, but also by other symptoms - burning and tingling . In the language of specialists, this phenomenon has a special name - paresthesia. This condition is not considered an independent disease; it is just one of a group of signs of disturbances in the functioning of the body. It can act as a direct or hidden sign of a certain disease. Most often this indicates the presence of the following pathological conditions:
A person with signs of complete numbness in the leg has serious difficulty walking . This is a serious signal about the presence of various diseases. And therefore, its appearance should force a person to seek help from a specialist, especially if this symptom does not go away for a long time. Often this symptom is accompanied by a feeling of heaviness, as if the legs are becoming “wobbly.” At the same time, the sensitivity threshold decreases or the legs completely cease to perceive any external influences.
Very often, numbness in the legs occurs due to an uncomfortable posture. Subsequently, the nerves are compressed and favorable conditions are created for the development of paresthesia . It is also not recommended to walk in high heels for a long time, as this is an unnatural condition for the feet. But if a person is firmly convinced that the reason is not related to this, then, most likely, the numbness arose due to problems with the spine.
When faced with numbness in your legs, you should ask whether your body is getting enough vitamin B12. If you are deficient, you will especially benefit from taking this element for your condition.
There are many cases where numbness in the legs occurred as a result of wearing uncomfortable shoes. Feet lose sensitivity when a person uses loose, constricting, ill-fitting shoes for a long time. And this situation can only be corrected by careful selection of shoes . Focus on your size, not forgetting the fullness and characteristics of the material. Keep in mind that comfortable shoes should not cause skin irritation or strain your feet.
If you have to drive a car or ride a bicycle for several hours, there is a high probability of your legs becoming numb. Therefore, you need to correctly select the load for your legs, periodically arranging rest for them, especially if you are used to walking many kilometers of routes.
If you do experience numbness in your feet, then most likely this may be due to the following diseases:
It is very important to determine which leg is numb - your left or right. In any of these cases, it can be assumed that the cause of the pathological process is osteochondrosis, arthritis or other diseases , which were mentioned above.
Experts call the main cause of this condition plantar fasciitis . It manifests itself as pain in the heel, tingling, and unpleasant sensations. Only an orthopedic specialist can prescribe effective treatment for this disease. And special orthopedic insoles are the best way to help cope with this disease.
In some patients, this condition may be associated with stress, fatigue, lack of sleep or depression . In general, nervous disorders can be classified as one of the common ailments that can cause this paresthesia. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to the state of your mental health.
This condition occurs simultaneously with tingling, tightening and other unpleasant symptoms. At the same time, difficulties appear when moving, often swelling can spread to the entire surface of the leg. The presence of a disease associated with vascular disorders in the patient has a significant impact. Experts call the most common causes osteochondrosis, arthritis, necrosis of the femoral head and other phenomena.
The pain syndrome makes itself felt in the form of attacks, and this is often associated with regular physical activity or low activity. A person may also experience sharp pain while walking, especially when moving at a fast pace. The risk of numbness in the left leg from the hip to the knee increases if a person has previously suffered a spinal injury.
If you suspect leg paresthesia, as indicated by prolonged stay in an uncomfortable position or regular static work activity, then you should immediately see a doctor. After the initial examination, you will have to undergo tests, the results of which will determine the cause of numb legs . Based on this information, the specialist will select the appropriate treatment for you. And you shouldn’t expose yourself to unnecessary risks and self-medicate without having an idea of what caused the numbness in your legs.
To prevent anemia, it is useful to regularly do exercises or go for a run every day in the morning. Regular walks are also recommended for this condition. You need to be attentive to your diet: it should not contain preservatives, flavorings or dyes. These additives can cause harm by slowing blood flow and increasing blood viscosity. You should also avoid eating too spicy or sweet foods, which can make treatment less effective.
Often people, faced with numbness in their left leg, do not attach much importance to it, especially if it is temporary. However, you need to treat this symptom completely differently if your legs go numb regularly . It can be assumed that there is a serious pathology here that needs to be treated urgently.
It is not advisable to delay visiting a doctor, since the longer you delay, the higher the likelihood that serious complications may appear after numbness. With this condition, an accurate diagnosis is necessary, since only by knowing the cause of numb legs can you choose the most appropriate treatment method.
If a person’s left leg goes numb, there are crawling and tingling sensations, then first of all the doctor suggests damage to the nervous system, less often vascular diseases.
Sometimes people may feel that their lower back hurts, the right leg is taken away and radiates to the hip. Fingers often become numb and sensitivity below the knee decreases. It is quite difficult to determine exactly what exactly provokes such a condition, because a number of studies and laboratory tests are required. If a person is faced with a similar situation, it should never be ignored. If additional symptoms occur and the pain does not go away within a week, seek help immediately.
A huge number of reasons can provoke pathological sensations in the legs. Among the main reasons that can cause leg numbness are:
Among the more common reasons that can cause pain and numbness in the leg, we can note the constant presence in an uncomfortable position. The weight of the body puts pressure on a certain area of the nerve endings, and their corresponding reaction develops. In a person, the normal flow of blood to the extremities is disrupted, as a result of which goosebumps initially appear on the skin, and after that, motor activity is disrupted; it hurts for the person to stand on his left leg.
Lack of exercise can also have a negative impact on your legs. If you sit at a table for a long time and perform manipulations with your hands, for example, working at a computer, your legs are constantly motionless and, accordingly, swell. To eliminate this unpleasant feeling, you just need to get distracted and walk around the room, warm up a little.
For its normal functionality, the human body needs constant replenishment with vitamins and microelements. A lack of certain substances can cause numbness in the legs. You can find out which microelement is missing by taking a biochemical blood test. To eliminate the problem, it is enough to reconsider your diet and consume more vitamin-containing foods.
Uncomfortable shoes and high heels are the main causes of pain and heaviness in the legs, while tight shoes provoke problems with blood vessels. In pursuit of fashion and a stylish appearance, people completely forget about their health, although this is the most valuable thing they have. Unlike new shoes, you cannot buy health, so think twice about exposing your body to torture.
Athletes very often face a lot of stress on their feet, which ultimately causes numbness in the legs below the knees. After any physical exercise, you should rest your legs to restore their normal functionality.
For pregnant women, heaviness and numbness in the legs is considered a normal condition. The fact is that at the end of the third trimester, weight increases significantly and fluid is retained in the body. The same thing happens to people who are obese, although in their case it is not at all normal and something needs to be done.
Symptoms of a numb left leg will manifest themselves differently, depending on the cause that provoked the pathology. If the cause is damage to the nervous system, then the person will observe that when walking his torso goes to the left side and a limp appears. When sitting, a person's foot becomes numb. Sometimes both legs below the knee are amputated. Unpleasant sensations bother a person constantly, regardless of whether he is sleeping or awake, standing or lying down. In the morning, patients note wobbly legs and characteristic goosebumps. Some patients with damage to the nervous system experience pain in the lumbar region. The most interesting point is that a person may have cold toes on his right foot, but the toes on his left do not feel cold, this indicates a violation of the integrity of the nerve fibers, and the limb loses sensitivity.
Numbness may extend above the knee. For example, if there is numbness near the groin of the left leg and radiates to the upper thigh, this means that compression of the nerve fibers occurs. This condition is called Roth syndrome.
If numbness is noted in the back of the thigh and affects the buttocks, it is likely that there is piriformis syndrome on the left.
If the lower leg below the knee in the left leg is removed, this indicates lesions of the spine or tunnel neuropathy. Symptoms may worsen with sudden movements and walking.
When the tibial and peroneal nerves are damaged, the fingers are more affected. All 5 fingers may be affected, or only some of them. The thumb and second finger are most susceptible to symptoms, the little finger suffers less often than the others. A person has a feeling of frostbite, they seem heavy, and a tingling sensation is felt when touched.
If diabetic or tunnel neuropathy occurs, coordination of movement is impaired and acute tingling pain develops in the lower leg and upper thigh.
Atherosclerosis manifests itself as a result of trophic changes in the arteries; the patient feels constant fatigue, stiffness of movement, and painful sensations that interfere with normal sleep, work, and everyday activities.
If thrombosis occurs, changes in skin color are noted, it either turns red or blue, and swelling occurs. With multiple sclerosis, there may be complete numbness of the limb, even paralysis.
In rheumatoid arthritis, swelling is accompanied by acute pain and a strong burning sensation, and sometimes the skin on the leg may turn red.
Isolated numbness in the left leg may go unnoticed, but if the situation appears regularly, then it’s time to see a doctor. To assess the patient’s condition, the doctor will conduct a visual examination and prescribe:
Based on the information received, the doctor develops a treatment regimen. If required, differential diagnosis is carried out.
Treatment of such sensations in the legs occurs in a comprehensive manner. As a rule, treatment with medications, correction of the spine using manipulative methods, physiotherapy, reflexology, acupuncture will be prescribed, as well as gymnastics and kinesiotherapy. For topical use, the doctor may recommend warming agents, such as:
The following drugs will have an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect:
For internal use the following may be prescribed: Analgin, Butadione, Phenacetin, Amidopyrin, Reopirin and acetylsalicylic acid. As a supplement and to consolidate the results obtained, various additives and stimulants are recommended, for example, Plazmol, vitreous, vitamin B complex, Suxilep, Finlepsin.
If the pain and spasms in the legs are severe and are not controlled by the above remedies, the following is prescribed:
Muscle relaxants are prescribed only in extreme cases, since their effect on the body is very strong, although they cope with neuralgia and myalgia very quickly. Buying them without a doctor’s prescription is strictly prohibited; they have a number of contraindications that can negatively affect your health and will only worsen the situation.
Almost all diseases known to modern medicine have their own prescription and alternative therapy. She did not disappoint in this case either. The following recipes have a very effective effect on the human body:
It should be noted that you should not get carried away with traditional medicine, despite its effectiveness. There are a number of cases when it eliminates only visible symptoms, but does not affect the cause of the problem. Ultimately, the symptoms that bothered the person so much will appear again, because the provocateur remains unresolved. If you notice that trophic ulcers have formed on your legs, or the condition is only getting worse, do not tempt fate and go to see a qualified doctor.
It's no secret that any disease can be prevented. In this case, prevention is very important. Moderate physical activity is the first recommendation to avoid swelling, spasms and cramps in the legs. Morning exercises will give you a boost of energy for the whole day, normalize blood flow in the body, and enhance protective properties. Try to eat the right foods. The term “correct” means vitamin-containing. Fatty, spicy and canned foods contain a lot of cholesterol, which clogs blood vessels and causes many diseases. Give up coffee and nicotine. These substances slow down and significantly impair the absorption of vitamins that enter the body.
Let your feet rest after a hard day of work, take contrast baths and self-massage your feet and calves. Women are advised to avoid high heels, which in 80% of cases provoke varicose veins. Choose comfortable shoes, and also make sure that socks and tights do not put pressure on your feet. Tight elastic bands and hard fabric can put pressure on blood vessels and prevent normal blood flow in the limbs.
The best prevention of all diseases is to undergo a medical examination at least once a year. It allows you to identify any disease at an early stage of development and quickly eliminate it.
Pregnancy is a provoking factor in terms of pain in the lower extremities. The legs swell, hurt and ache, and it’s not without reason that we’ll look at why these symptoms occur below.
Aches in the legs - what is the reason for this?
So, what are the reasons for aching legs? There are many of them, and they are all directly or indirectly related to pregnancy. First of all, we are talking about excess weight; at the same time, the center of gravity shifts, which also provokes additional stress on the legs and leads to aching and throbbing pain. Legs swell during pregnancy due to excessive accumulation of fluid in the female body, this causes swelling, which is aggravated by excess weight.
An increase in blood volume along with a high level of progesterone provokes convulsions, also sometimes accompanied by aching pain. Another cause of cramps is a lack of calcium and iron in the body; in this case, it is better to avoid drinking coffee, which helps wash out calcium. One of the indirect factors is flat feet; pregnancy aggravates the course of this disease and this can also be a consequence of aching legs.
Varicose veins as the main cause of aching legs
If your left leg hurts during pregnancy, the cause may be varicose veins, which is the main cause of constant aching pain. This disease torments pregnant women very often; it leads to a lack of oxygen saturation of the fetus, since it shares the same circulatory system with its mother.
This disease can be identified not only by the characteristic aching pain, it can be accompanied by a feeling of heaviness and fatigue in the legs, burning and itching. Along with this, swelling and vascular spots appear, which is accompanied by cramps, especially at night.
Usefulness: 0 | message No. 2 sent 04:14, 18.08
Regarding this problem. This is how pregnant women experience aching legs. This is a very vague concept and is characterized by various manifestations. Pregnancy is not a disease. There is no need to complicate everything! Yes, there may be swelling in the legs and this is quite natural for this condition, varicose veins occur not only in pregnant women, but also in other people, yes, this is a problem, a violation of tissue trophism .the limbs will be due to the same edematous state. But to the essence of the problem: PREGNANT WOMEN HAVE A FETUS. WHICH CHANGES THE MOTHER'S CENTER OF GRAVITY AND THE KNEE JOINTS RECEIVE ADDITIONAL LOAD. but this will not be a problem for active women who pay attention to themselves before pregnancy. during and after.
Usefulness: 0 | message No. 3 sent 15:12, 15.12
Almost every second expectant mother experiences leg pain during pregnancy. Most often, pain appears in the second trimester of pregnancy, this is due to the fact that the body of a pregnant woman produces the hormone relaxin. It affects connective tissue, making it elastic. This is necessary so that during childbirth the pelvic bones move apart more easily and it is easier and safer for the baby to be born without injury. But there is also a side effect of relaxin. At the same time as the connective tissue, the walls of the veins relax, swelling and varicose veins appear, the ligaments of the feet also relax, the feet hurt, and flat feet may develop. Due to large weight gain, many women have pain in their leg muscles. These problems can and should be dealt with. Firstly, you need to inform the doctor observing you about pain. In pharmacies you can buy compression hosiery and special orthopedic insoles for pregnant women. Wear comfortable, wide, non-squeezing shoes with low, stable heels and arch support. Your doctor may recommend ointments for pregnant women for varicose veins. Venoruton gel helps very well with pain; it can be used in the second trimester of pregnancy.
Almost every woman experiences leg pain during pregnancy . This is not surprising, because every day the child’s weight increases, and along with it, the load that the woman experiences increases. Often a woman complains of pain in her legs, but does not attach much importance to this, but in vain.
Varicose veins are a fairly common pregnancy companion. During pregnancy, you are automatically at risk, even if you have never encountered such a disease before. Varicose veins can lead to insufficient oxygen saturation of the fetus, since you share the same circulatory system with it, and it receives all the substances necessary for life from your blood. Varicose veins have these symptoms :
What to do if your legs hurt during pregnancy . How to prevent or relieve leg pain? You will find out the answers to these questions by reading our recommendations:
Take care of your child’s health, but don’t forget about yours. Be healthy!
Legs suffer very much during pregnancy; if the left leg hurts during pregnancy and this is accompanied by characteristic pain and aches, then we are talking about venous expansion.
This is the main reason why legs ache during pregnancy; impaired blood flow and swelling lead to just such symptoms, and if this is not counteracted, the consequences can be irreversible. Special preventive and hygienic procedures are required to relieve a woman of aching legs.
Good day The article is interesting why legs ache during pregnancy. After reading the article, you can get information about leg aches, what it is associated with and for what reasons leg aches occur during pregnancy. Further in the article, another equally important point is described - a lack of calcium, which is the cause of cramps. After reading the article, you can get another information that contributes to aching legs and this is one of the most important causes of varicose veins. The article is useful and necessary.
I remember how my legs hurt during my first pregnancy, especially at night, that I couldn’t even sleep. Nothing helped - neither wrapping with elastic bandages, nor foot massage, nor any ointments. Until I got tested, and it turned out that I had moderate anemia. Then the doctor prescribed me iron supplements, and literally on the second day my leg problems disappeared!
The question is always relevant: What is this connected with? What's the matter? And how to deal with this? From my own experience, I will say that it was correctly noted that the main cause of seizures is a lack of calcium. I encountered this during my own pregnancy. An unpleasant phenomenon, to be honest.
I did not develop varicose veins during pregnancy, but nevertheless, my legs ached very much and I constantly had cramps, especially in the third trimester and just before giving birth. From what I've read, this is a very common occurrence. Indeed, this is due to a lack of calcium in the body, as well as magnesium - few people know about this! I don’t know anything about varicose veins, but if you have cramps, you should definitely get a massage and take vitamins, the doctor will prescribe them, the main thing is not to keep silent about this problem at appointments!
I encountered this problem when I was pregnant. My gynecologist informed me, explaining everything. And now everything is much simpler, any answer to the question can be found on the Internet. As in this article, everything is perfectly written. Any woman now faced with this problem will find The answer to your question is in online articles.
I had no pain in my legs. I don’t even know for the life of me what cramps are. But this happened to a friend. She just screamed at night while her husband did the massage. And the injection of a needle did not help her. Everyone is so individual.
If the left or right leg goes numb, this may indicate a neurological disease, vascular pathology or a systemic pathological process. The medical term for numbness is hyposthesia. This is a loss of sensation in a limb. Often this symptom is accompanied by a feeling of burning, tingling, crawling, and numbness in the fingers.
What are the reasons why the left or right leg goes numb?
Everyone knows the feeling of a leg going numb when sitting in an uncomfortable position or sitting for a long time. In this case, short-term compression of the nerve occurs. When changing body position within a few minutes, the unpleasant symptoms disappear. This reaction is normal. But if changing your posture often does not relieve the sensation of numbness, then you need to consult a therapist or neurologist.
In most cases, hyposthesia occurs with spinal osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernia or protrusion. Degenerative changes at the level of the lumbosacral spine lead to pinching of the nerve roots of the spinal cord. The sciatic nerve is often affected, which is called sciatica or sciatica. With sciatica, the back surface of the leg from the hip to the knee goes numb, sometimes numbness in the leg as a result of radicular syndromes is accompanied by pain and tingling in the foot.
Peripheral nerve diseases are another common reason why the left leg goes numb. When the peroneal or tibial nerve is damaged, hyposthesia and sensory impairment are noted below the knee. Neuropathy or neuropathy is a disease of the nerves or their sheaths, which is manifested by a violation of motor or sensory functions in the area of innervation. There are many reasons for the development of neuropathies. Among them are inflammatory, compression-ischemic, and toxic. Damage to the tibial nerve causes the left leg to go numb from the knee to the foot along the back surface. At the same time, paralysis of the foot muscles and difficulty walking are noted.
Impaired blood supply to the lower extremities leads to a lack of oxygen and nutrients in the affected area. This causes the left or right leg to go numb.
Vascular disorders include the following diseases:
The most common cause of impaired blood supply to the lower limb is atherosclerosis. Atherosclerotic plaque causes blockage of the arteries of the legs, which leads to oxygen starvation and severe changes in the limbs. A characteristic symptom of atherosclerosis is intermittent claudication - a sharp pain and numbness of the leg when walking. Atherosclerotic vascular lesions occur in older people, more often in male smokers after 50 years of age.
Young people suffer from endarteritis of the vessels of the lower extremities. Patients complain of pain, then they note that their left or right leg goes numb when walking. The disease is usually unilateral. Symptoms of obliterating endarteritis are increased sensitivity to cold, paresthesia, and convulsive contractions of the lower leg muscles.
The left leg goes numb from the hip to the foot due to varicose veins of the lower extremities. Pathological expansion of the saphenous veins is accompanied by pain, heaviness, and swelling of the legs, which usually occur in the evening. Patients complain that the left leg is numb or that there are cramps in the affected limb. These symptoms occur in people whose professions require standing, such as doctors or teachers.
Autoimmune diseases, such as multiple sclerosis, are accompanied by the destruction of neuron membranes. This becomes the reason why the limbs go numb. Often this symptom is the first sign of the disease. Hypostesia is accompanied by paralysis, hypertonicity of the limbs, and visual impairment.
A special group includes symptoms when the left leg goes numb during pregnancy. This unpleasant phenomenon worries most women, especially in later stages of gestation. The cause of numbness of the limb on one side is compression of the nerve by the enlarged uterus. Despite the fact that the symptom goes away completely after childbirth, you should definitely tell your obstetrician about numbness in your legs.
Treatment for numbness in the left leg depends on the cause of the disorder. If the symptom appears rarely and goes away on its own, then to get rid of the problem it is enough to reconsider your lifestyle:
If your left leg regularly goes numb, you should immediately consult a specialist: a neurologist, traumatologist, or surgeon. Don't neglect your health. The sooner the cause of the disease is determined, the more effective the treatment will be.
Experts conduct the following studies:
After determining the cause of the disorder, the doctor prescribes comprehensive treatment, which includes medications, manual therapy, therapeutic exercises or special treatment.
What to do when your legs hurt from hip to foot? The main thing is not to panic and see a doctor in time so that the doctor can make the correct diagnosis based on the examination data. The fact is that this symptom manifests itself in many diseases and each of them requires its own approach.
The structure of the lower limb is such that when one joint is affected, the pain is localized in it, but if no measures are taken, the pain will intensify and spread all the way to the buttocks. The reasons may vary. Pain in the legs occurs due to diseases of the spine and malignant tumors. In general, we can distinguish the following groups that provoke pain in the leg from the hip:
Of course, each of these groups of diseases manifests itself with certain symptoms, and a diagnosis in one case or another can only be made by a doctor and only after a comprehensive examination and taking into account the general health of the patient.
Depending on the nature of the disease, its manifestations also change. For example, pain in the left leg is often caused by venous hyperemia. These sensations are caused by irritation of nerve endings and increased intravascular pressure. The reasons for this phenomenon lie in venous stagnation. And it, in turn, can be caused by a sedentary lifestyle. While this is not yet varicose veins, aching pain that affects only the left leg is often a precursor to varicose veins. Treatment of this condition usually involves the use of venotonics (both ointments and tablets), lifestyle modification, strengthening exercises and other methods that may be recommended by the attending physician.
The left leg may hurt not only due to venous hyperemia. The reasons may lie in a disease such as thrombophlebitis. Moreover, painful sensations can only affect the lower leg. But it also happens that a person feels throbbing pain in the leg from the hip to the foot. Sometimes it is accompanied by a subcutaneous burning sensation. This is already a difficult case, when local remedies alone may not be enough and treatment usually takes place in a day hospital in a clinic. However, in most cases it will be conservative. This is taking medications that prevent the formation of blood clots, this is the use of venotonic ointments containing heparin, and finally, this is special therapeutic exercises.
The causes of compressive pain from the knee and below may lie in atherosclerosis of the arteries. They get stronger when moving. Interestingly, the feet do not hurt, but remain cold all the time. In this case, the same treatment is used as for atherosclerosis of other vessels - nutritional correction, which should reduce the level of bad cholesterol in the blood, taking statin medications, etc.
The most common option here is osteochondrosis. As doctors joke, this is a person’s retribution for walking upright, because in the animal world no one suffers from this disease.
The cause of pain in this case is damage to the cartilage disc. The process of its degeneration begins, inflammation of the nerve endings begins, and as a result, pain appears first in the back, and then the legs begin to hurt. This occurs due to the fact that erosion of the tissue of the cartilage plate leads to disruption of nutrition processes in the tissues. That is, the limb is not damaged, there are no visible reasons for this, but due to inflammatory processes caused by impaired blood flow, back pain appears, and due to the characteristics of the nervous system, it radiates and occurs, for example, in the right leg to the foot. It happens that both legs hurt, but this is a fairly rare case. Sometimes there is no pain, but only weakness.
If the back pain is not too noticeable, then making a diagnosis is not so easy. It happens that they occur in the lumbar region, so a person associates them with an uncomfortable posture or prolonged standing on their feet. But as a result, the so-called radicular syndrome occurs, in which the pain does not spread throughout the entire leg, but is mainly localized in the hips and lower legs. Most often it does not reach the foot. Sometimes such pain and weakness even lead to a change in gait, it becomes unsteady, the person limps or is often forced to stop. Sometimes when walking, cramps appear in the calf muscles. This is typical already during the formation of an intervertebral hernia. Moreover, it can be a nagging pain, a strong aching sensation. And some people confuse this disorder with venous insufficiency. In fact, only a doctor can tell why the leg is pulled by analyzing the main symptoms and, in some cases, prescribing an additional examination.
So, if the right leg pulls when walking, but there is no swelling or dilated veins that have a characteristic shape, and the patient also feels weakness in the legs, and there are accompanying symptoms of osteochondrosis, then to be sure of the diagnosis, a specialist can refer you for an MRI.
In some cases, when the leg aches, the symptoms may externally resemble signs of a disease such as diabetic peripheral polyneuropathy. But it in itself is accompanied by a decrease in pain and vibration sensitivity, pain in the foot area, and weakened reflexes. So, if all this is missing, and the leg continues to ache, then this is classic osteochondrosis.
How should osteochondrosis be treated, because only by eliminating this cause can you forget for a long time about how the leg is pulled from the hip? Much depends on the reasons that caused it. But in general, treatment is usually conservative. For acute pain, doctors recommend bed rest. Moreover, you only need to lie on a hard surface. Place a cushion or pillow under the knees, but not under the heels. In this case, it is more important to avoid squeezing the nerve roots, but there are no problems with blood circulation. Bed rest is not recommended for long periods of time, otherwise it will only cause back weakness. Treatment with medications is aimed at improving metabolic processes, relieving inflammation and spasms. By the way, to speed up your metabolism, you need to eat right. And osteochondrosis usually worsens due to excess weight, so you will have to adjust your lifestyle and go on a diet for some time so that your back and legs don’t hurt.
If your leg hurts from your hip, it could be sciatica. It is usually classified as a separate category of causes, although it is associated with diseases of the spinal column. But the whole point is that sciatica is not a disease, it is a symptomatic syndrome that occurs in the lower back and then spreads to the buttocks and thighs, down to the lower legs and feet and is a consequence of compression of the nerve roots during the development of osteochondrosis. If, with osteochondrosis itself, the feet do not hurt, and in general only affects one leg, then sciatica is a more serious disorder.
In theory, treating sciatica is not that difficult. You can use local analgesics, warming ointments and even compresses at home. In addition, various manual procedures and acupuncture are used, and as soon as mobility is restored, therapeutic exercises can be added to this. All this can be combined with taking various medications, including those that relieve muscle spasms. Despite the fact that sciatica is so easily treated, it is a deceptive ease, since it is a chronically recurrent pathology and it can make itself felt at any time. To prevent this condition from returning after treatment, you need to constantly maintain the muscle frame in good shape.
It happens that pain in the legs is associated with microtraumas, heavy physical activity, especially on the foot, and various muscle diseases. Let’s say that in this case the right leg hurts, and these sensations are accompanied by redness of the skin and the presence of swelling. This indicates a muscle disease associated either with injury or, less commonly, with infectious diseases, metabolic disorders or toxin poisoning.
The entire range of diseases in this case can be reduced to such options as myoenthesitis (pain is localized where the muscle tissue passes into the tendon), insertitis (this is a disease of the ligaments), paratenronitis (inflammatory processes in the tissues near the joints). In such cases, methods aimed at treating inflammation are used.
Another cause of pain in the legs is rheumatoid arthritis. Some believe that this disease develops only in old age. But in fact, it often begins in adulthood, and in adolescence, and even in childhood. In rheumatoid arthritis, pain is localized mainly in the knees or hip joints, and external signs of inflammation are not always apparent. The reasons for the development of rheumatoid arthritis lie not only in a sedentary lifestyle. Very often, this disease is genetically determined, so if the patient has already had such cases in the family, health should be monitored especially carefully, including from the point of view of selecting nutrition and physical activity.
Rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis often present with very similar symptoms. The difference is that with osteoarthritis, pain occurs after physical activity, even moderate, and with rheumatoid arthritis, it just disappears after it.
With rheumatoid arthritis, the joints may become red and swollen, and this occurs symmetrically on both sides. The pain is usually of moderate severity, many people tolerate it and use home remedies for treatment. However, in fact, in such cases it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor. Although rheumatoid arthritis cannot be completely cured, it is possible to stop changes in the joints and significantly improve the quality of life. The disease cannot be left unattended, since if left untreated it can lead to complete immobility.
Osteoarthritis is accompanied not only by pain in the hip, knee and ankle joints (and this is a dull pain that bothers you during the day, but not at night), but also by clicking and crunching in the joints. Sometimes such sensations bother the patient for several weeks, sometimes everything goes away in a day. Drug therapy is ineffective here; instead, massage, swimming, and various methods of physiotherapy are usually used. Among joint diseases, gout is also worth mentioning. Its treatment comes down to dietary adjustments, since this disease is associated with the deposition of salts - purines, which are found in large quantities in meat. The diet also excludes legumes, mushrooms, and a number of other foods, which the attending physician will tell you about. In addition, for gout, alcohol is prohibited, any kind, regardless of strength.