The female body experiences stress during the period of bearing a baby. Physiological edema is associated with a peculiarity of the body and does not pose a danger to the pregnant woman and the fetus, unlike pathological edema, which must be treated.
During pregnancy, every woman's body undergoes temporary changes affecting all organs and systems. As a result, health problems are often observed. One of the most common is swelling of the legs.
After conception, a woman’s hormonal background changes dramatically. The level of progesterone (pregnancy hormone) increases almost 10 times. This hormone retains fluid in the body, resulting in an imbalance of water-salt balance. There is a change in lymphatic drainage and blood movement through the vessels, the legs swell. Typically, swelling does not appear from the beginning of pregnancy. This problem is mainly observed in late pregnant women.
Do not confuse weight gain with swollen legs. To check, you need to lightly press on the shin in front of the leg; if there is a hole left that does not straighten out right away, the legs are swollen. In general, swelling is normal, but requires the attention of your doctor.
They are caused by the body’s ability to retain water and sodium in the body during pregnancy. Legs swell, usually after physical activity, eating a lot of pickles, due to weight gain and in the heat. Such swelling is a natural phenomenon and does not pose a health hazard.
To get rid of physiological edema, you should:
Such swelling in pregnant women indicates existing diseases, such as:
During pregnancy, the volume of circulating fluid increases. This mechanism is designed to provide adequate nutrition to the baby, especially in the early stages of pregnancy. Over time, the child activates his own hematopoiesis, which also increases the total volume of intravascular fluid.
During pregnancy, intra-abdominal pressure increases. This is due to the gradual growth of the pregnant uterus, which pushes the internal organs to the sides. High blood pressure, especially in late pregnancy, does not allow enough blood from the legs to travel to the heart. Increasing pressure under the diaphragm reduces the volume of the chest, which further increases the risk of edema, since full inspiration cannot occur, which, thanks to the negative pressure in the chest, draws blood from the legs to the heart.
During pregnancy, due to the action of various hormones and mediators, the vessels of the microvasculature are in a relaxed state, which allows fluid to pass between the cells of the inner layer of capillaries. This leads to swelling.
This is a characteristic syndrome for late pregnant women. The occurrence of this phenomenon is associated with compression of the inferior vena cava between the enlarged uterus and the spine. This occurs when a woman lies on her back or right side. As a result, a sharp decrease in brain blood flow may occur, which is manifested by dizziness, paleness of the face, and severe weakness. But if compression of the vein does not occur suddenly, during night sleep, when the blood circulation in the brain remains at the proper level, and the blood does not completely flow from the legs, then swelling occurs in the morning.
This complication of pregnancy develops in its later stages. The reasons for this pathological phenomenon are not fully understood; it is assumed that an allergic reaction and inflammatory phenomena in the microvascular bed play a key role. Not only edema is the main symptom of gestosis, but also increased blood pressure and loss of protein in the urine. Legs swell during pregnancy at different levels, which depends on the severity of gestosis. If severe gestosis develops, the swelling may spread to the anterior abdominal wall.
If the expectant mother had problems with the urinary system before conception, then these problems may appear with the onset of pregnancy. Swelling in the legs occurs due to insufficient functional activity of the kidneys, which can occur with an exacerbation of renal pathology. Water does not leave the body, but is retained in the tissues. This cause is characterized by swelling not only in the legs, but also in the area around the eyes (bags under the eyes), on the arms, and torso. Lower back pain may occur.
During pregnancy, the load on the heart increases greatly (by 30% or more). A healthy heart can easily compensate for this load without any visible complications. In cases where heart disease was noted before pregnancy, these diseases appear again during pregnancy. This occurs as a result of a breakdown of the compensatory mechanisms of the cardiovascular system. Without exception, all pregnant women with this pathology are taken under special control in order to begin treatment on time. In addition to swelling of the legs, internal edema can form, which is more dangerous. Symptoms of heart failure come to the fore in such a situation. May be noted:
Pregnant women have an increased risk of angioedema. Especially if women noted the presence of any allergies before pregnancy. With the Quincke reaction, the legs in the feet, hands, cheeks, eyes, lips, and mucous membranes swell. Swelling of the larynx may occur. Such an allergic reaction can disappear on its own, even if nothing is done. This pathology requires calling a doctor.
As a rule, they try to treat hypothyroidism before pregnancy. But even pregnant women may experience thyroid dysfunction. This condition is also called mucous edema and expresses an extreme lack of hormones. It is rare to encounter such a pathology in modern pregnant women.
Insufficiency of the venous system of the legs is the inability of the valve apparatus to resist the reverse flow of blood. Unlike edema due to other causes, venous edema may be accompanied by pain. The right and left legs swell asymmetrically, or only one leg swells. Leg pain will intensify during pregnancy as venous insufficiency progresses.
Often women may not notice, or notice too late, pathological changes in their body. Some women prefer to attribute any symptoms to pregnancy, even when only one leg is swollen.
The patient’s complaints about:
Swelling can be determined by visual inspection and palpation, when pressing on the skin leaves a fingerprint.
The following diagnostic measures are also prescribed:
Treatment of swelling and pain in the legs during pregnancy should be carried out taking into account all possible risks for the woman and the fetus. It is very important that medications do not enter the baby's bloodstream. If the edema is severely developed, then treatment in a hospital is necessary.
Depending on the cause, treatment may vary. To relieve minor swelling not associated with chronic diseases, you can do a foot massage, cold baths, or a contrast shower for the feet. You can also use external agents to strengthen the vascular wall (Essaven gel, Lyoton, Troxevasin).
If swelling in the legs during pregnancy is associated with gestosis, then treatment should include:
Swelling of the legs during pregnancy associated with exacerbation of chronic non-obstetric pathology is treated in a hospital.
Edema in pregnant women should be treated only after the cause of its occurrence has been determined. Treatment of physiological edema is not necessary. You just need to slightly adjust your lifestyle and your legs will stop swelling, and after childbirth the swelling will go away on its own.
Sometimes the hands and face swell. If not only the legs are swollen, but the general condition of the pregnant woman has worsened, then treatment should be started immediately. For this purpose, pregnant women are placed in a hospital.
Treatment of edema due to gestosis should be entrusted to an experienced doctor. He will monitor your weight, adjust your diet, prescribe diuretics, infusion therapy and IVs. With gestosis, blood thickening occurs, droppers improve blood circulation. Preeclampsia is incurable, you can only slightly reduce its manifestation.
Self-treatment with diuretics and herbs during pregnancy is strictly prohibited!
From the very beginning of pregnancy, you must follow all doctor's recommendations. Due to the body's increased need for fluid, thirst appears. It should be quenched with clean water or weak green tea; juice or carbonated drinks will increase thirst. It is better to drink in small sips, but more often. Pregnant women should not be limited in water, because it is necessary for the pregnant woman’s body.
Salt absorbs water, reducing its consumption will reduce swelling.
A growing fetus needs protein. It is found in meat, liver, cottage cheese, and fish. Therefore, pregnant women’s menus need to include these products in sufficient quantities. If there is insufficient supply of amino acids to the body, the fetus will have to take them from the mother’s blood. The amount of protein in the blood will decrease, and this is a common factor in the appearance of edema during pregnancy.
To prevent legs from swelling, doctors sometimes resort to traditional medicine. The doctor may prescribe bearberry or lingonberry leaf. Why is it prohibited to take stronger diuretics during pregnancy? The use of such drugs helps to remove not only water, but also minerals.
Expecting a child is a wonderful period in a woman’s life. And at the same time, it is the most complex - the restructuring that occurs in the body sometimes leads to pathological conditions. Swelling of the legs during pregnancy is a common occurrence that negatively affects a woman’s condition, especially in recent months.
Swollen legs in the last stages of pregnancy do not always indicate pathology. In some cases, they occur for understandable reasons and do not require treatment. They are called physiological. Reasons for appearance:
Excessive fluid intake caused by hormonal changes. A pregnant woman’s body needs much more of it to provide everything necessary for a growing baby.
Poor nutrition and low mobility. Salty and spicy foods, which a woman is sometimes unbearably drawn to, contain sodium, which, when entering the body, retains water. And low mobility further contributes to this.
Increasing the volume of circulating blood is the body’s preparation for childbirth. Obeying the laws of physics, excess fluid often “slides” into the lower limbs.
A small lifestyle correction for swelling of the legs will help get rid of the unpleasant syndrome or alleviate its manifestations. Swelling of the legs during pregnancy can be accompanied by pain, bruises under the eyes, drowsiness, and swelling of the arms. Each such manifestation indicates a disruption in the functioning of one or another organ or system:
increased load on the legs and increased pressure on the pelvic vessels leads to varicose veins in the legs and thrombophlebitis, venous and lymphatic congestion occurs, causing swelling;
a decrease in thyroid function during pregnancy simultaneously inhibits the activity of other organs due to insufficient synthesis of hormones;
it becomes difficult for the heart to cope
Most women experience swelling of the legs during pregnancy, especially in the later stages towards the end of the third trimester. In most cases, leg swelling is normal and is no cause for concern. In other cases, when swelling is associated with any disease, be sure to consult your doctor without delay.
Edema during pregnancy affects almost all pregnant women, starting around 22 or 27 weeks. More severe swelling of the legs, as well as the arms and face, may appear by the 35th week of pregnancy.
Swelling of the legs can vary depending on the time of day and season. As a rule, more severe swelling occurs in the evening and in the summer. Swelling also depends on weather conditions: on hotter days it is greater, on cool days it is less pronounced.
Many pregnant women ask the question “Why do my legs swell during pregnancy?” There is nothing criminal about this. Swelling occurs due to an increase in the amount of fluid. About 25 percent of the weight gained during pregnancy is the result of fluid retention. This certainly causes anxiety and discomfort for women, but it is necessary. This accumulated fluid plays an important role during childbirth.
Usually only the legs swell: legs and feet. In some cases, the face and hands may swell. Normal swelling during pregnancy should build up slowly, not suddenly. Sudden swelling, especially in the face and hands, can be a sign of preeclampsia, a dangerous disease in which blood pressure rises sharply and blood supply is disrupted. Typically, this condition can appear after the 20th week of pregnancy.
In addition, the growing uterus puts pressure on the veins of the pelvis, causing blood to stagnate in the large vein on the right side of the body, which carries blood from the lower part of the body.
It’s evening, you take off your shoes and notice swelling in your shins and ankles. By morning it passes and the anxiety disappears. But after some time everything repeats itself. This means that the body is trying to tell you something.
Heaviness, fatigue, buzzing, pain and even cramps in the legs, all this is so familiar... But even in the morning the legs looked so attractive. Every modern woman encounters similar symptoms from time to time, and doctors have noticed that if previously they were typical for women of mature age, over 40 years old, now they also overtake young girls aged 20-25 and older.
Edema is nothing more than the accumulation of excess fluid in tissues. If the body is healthy, it removes it itself, primarily through the venous system. Failures undoubtedly occur, for example, legs can swell in healthy people - in extreme heat, during long flights, when wearing uncomfortable clothes or shoes. In such cases, to relieve swelling, it is enough to lie down with your legs raised higher, or take a contrast bath, and your legs will calm down. But if the symptoms recur regularly and bother you for a long time, it’s time to sound the alarm: serious venous diseases may be hidden behind the unpleasant condition. Look at your lower leg, if it is swollen, areas of darkening, nodular venous formations or spider veins have appeared on it, then you are likely developing varicose veins or even thrombophlebitis. Sometimes bruises and hematomas that arise from the slightest bruise or pressure can indicate weakness of the blood vessels.
Varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, and fragility of blood vessels are a consequence of impaired outflow of venous blood from the lower extremities. There could be a lot of reasons for this. Sedentary lifestyle, poor diet, overweight, poor
Every pregnant woman at least once in nine long months is faced with the phenomenon of edema. Most often, expectant mothers are concerned about swelling during late pregnancy. Sometimes swelling is a sign of serious illness. In our article today we will try to understand the causes of edema in pregnant women, the basic principles of their treatment and their possible consequences.
First, let's figure out what swelling is and what it happens. Edema is the saturation of tissues with the liquid part of the blood, which for one reason or another leaves the bloodstream. There can be many reasons for such a redistribution of fluid.
Violation of the ratio of salts and fluids in the body. The main ions that regulate the osmotic pressure of fluid in the body are sodium, potassium and chlorine. Sodium chloride or common table salt “pulls” water molecules onto itself, causing its accumulation in organs and tissues. A typical example of such a salt imbalance would be swelling after excessive consumption of salty foods. To avoid this, it is better to follow proper nutrition.
Violation of the structure and permeability of the vascular wall. A striking example of this would be, for example, an allergic reaction or inflammation. The vessels are damaged by infectious agents or allergens and the liquid part of the blood freely escapes into the surrounding tissues. Local swelling occurs at the site of inflammation or an allergic reaction, for example, swelling of an inflamed joint or swelling due to an allergic reaction to a bee sting. Another good example of edema due to the anatomical structure of blood vessels is swelling of the legs due to varicose veins and chronic venous insufficiency.
Kidney disorders. The main system that regulates the balance of fluids in the body is the urinary system: kidneys and urinary
The first cry of the baby, the first tears of joy of the mother, and it didn’t matter that it was unbearably painful, hard, uncomfortable. For the sake of this cry and the little blue swollen face, mom is ready to go this way more than once. This is all ahead, but for now you are a woman waiting for her child, and you will experience all the delights associated with bearing yourself. Swelling during pregnancy is an integral part of your situation, which cannot be avoided and you simply cannot give up on them, since their manifestation and character can tell a lot.
As you already know, your body is now working for two people and the mechanism of its work is very different from its original state (before pregnancy). Since nature thought and incorporated only smart processes into the genome of humanity, the female body tries to adapt to both the mother and the gestating fetus. True, not everything always works out perfectly and the disruption of water-salt metabolism, which is caused by your position, leads to the occurrence of edema.
Swelling is a concentration of fluid in the tissues, and since right now the body “urgently” produces the hormone progesterone (the hormone of pregnant women), which prevents the body from excreting sodium and, as a result, excess water, it accumulates not only in the amniotic fluid, but also in the whole body.
Rectal temperature readings can tell a lot about a woman who measures it regularly. Rectal temperature is especially often measured during pregnancy; it can be used to identify emerging samples.
In addition to a malfunction in water-salt metabolism, the appearance of swelling in different parts of a pregnant woman’s body is affected by an increase in blood volume and the inability of the circulatory system to transport it in a timely manner, the walls of the vascular system change their structure, the outflow of blood is disrupted, and lymph enters the bloodstream, spreading throughout the body. These factors make themselves known in the form of swelling.
Fluid in a woman’s body is retained in almost all tissues except bone tissue. Water accumulates especially strongly in the connective tissue of the body and in fatty tissue. Water enters the body tissues from the blood, the amount of which increases by almost 50% during pregnancy. Let's find out how swelling occurs, why it is dangerous, how to get rid of it?
In the first three months, a woman usually does not experience edema. They arise gradually, the woman begins to notice that the skin of her abdomen has become less firm and elastic, and that the roundness of her face has increased.
The impending appearance of edema can also be judged by a sharp weight gain. During the normal development of pregnancy, the weight of the expectant mother increases gradually, therefore, in order to prevent edema, it is necessary to regularly monitor body weight using a weight gain calculator.
Scientists have found that sodium accumulates in the expectant mother’s body and is distributed evenly (in the blood, soft tissues). Sodium attracts water.
This is why pregnant women may experience physiological edema, which is usually triggered by the abuse of salty foods, physical overload, and heat. These swellings are absolutely normal and do not pose a threat to the health of the pregnant woman and baby.
Persistent edema and dropsy of pregnancy, which are expressed in rapid weight gain, massive swelling of the legs, face, and lower back, can be dangerous. In addition, swelling can be a symptom of gestosis.
Forum member mother Vera writes: “ At 28 weeks of pregnancy, my legs began to swell greatly. Pressing with your fingers left indentations in the skin for a while. The doctor said that this could be a manifestation of gestosis. And it is very dangerous for the baby; oxygen starvation may begin, and this affects his development. The doctor prescribed diuretics .”
Rhesus does not play a role, you have +, which means everything is fine. I advise you to check your blood clotting - do a complete hemostasiogram + D-dimer, and consult a geneticist. And wait a little for the body to recover
Are you interested in knowing why your legs swell during pregnancy? How dangerous are swelling of the legs during pregnancy, why do they occur, what is the reason and how to deal with them.
One of the complications of pregnancy is swelling. It affects the legs, arms, face. It happens to almost all expectant mothers after 22 weeks, but it manifests itself strongly by 35.
Why do my legs swell at 38 weeks of pregnancy? The appearance of edema is promoted by an increase in fluid in the body. This is how symptoms of gestosis appear, which can be dangerous in the last trimester of pregnancy. The main causes of disturbances during pregnancy:
Swelling in the legs and arms occurs with joint diseases, with venous insufficiency, if the expectant mother moves little, she is overweight. In any case, you need to visit a doctor.
It is necessary to record the volume of fluid consumed and the amount of urine excreted. If there is not enough urine, you will be prescribed special therapy.
If swelling appears suddenly on the face and hands, this is very dangerous. This disrupts the blood supply and increases blood pressure;
Swelling of the ankles and feet during pregnancy can be caused by a lack of potassium when a woman consumes salty foods, canned and smoked foods, and caffeine.
Read all about proper nutrition, about which foods you should definitely eat and which ones you should avoid, in the book: Secrets of proper nutrition for an expectant mother >>>.
When certain factors affect the body, physiological edema develops, which is considered a completely normal phenomenon during this period and should not cause concern;
In this situation, swelling is accompanied by weakness, high blood pressure,
Swelling of the mucous membrane causes discomfort to the expectant mother, accompanied by pain, abundant formation and flow of mucus, which interferes with normal breathing. The result is restless sleep, irritability, and fatigue.
Swelling of the nose during gestation is considered as a reflex reaction to the actions of pathogens and foreign elements. More than 30% of expectant mothers face the problem of enlarged nasal cavities, so the question of how and how to treat nasal swelling during pregnancy is relevant for most women.
Swelling of the mucous membrane can be observed at different stages of pregnancy . The nature of the symptoms has a different origin and is determined by the causes of disruption of the ENT organs.
The source of natural transformations in the body are physiological changes, pathological modifications occur against the background of diseases of internal organs and systems.
The main factor why pregnant women have a swollen nose is acute respiratory diseases. Often, rhinitis develops against the background of a viral infection, especially the activity of pathogenic microorganisms, which becomes more active during the cold season .
The action of infectious agents leads to vulnerability of the immune system and destabilization of the natural balance of microflora.
A long course of a viral infection creates favorable conditions for the development of a bacterial form . Liquid transparent discharge becomes thick and acquires a green or yellow color.
Associated symptoms of the pathology include the following:
Without therapeutic procedures, the threat of localization of the inflammatory process to the paranasal sinuses increases , resulting in the appearance of sinusitis.
Fact! Rhinitis during pregnancy does not pose a threat to the health of the woman and the fetus, provided that inflammatory processes are stopped in a timely manner.
Nasal swelling can occur as a result of hypothermia. For women with weak immunity, the following manipulations can provoke the appearance of swelling:
Pregnant women should take increased care and vigilance to their health , especially during the peak of acute respiratory diseases.
The development of the clinical picture occurs against the background of the concentration of antigens in the circulatory system, the result of which is the expansion and inflammation of the capillaries of the nasal cavity. The vessels lose their permeable capabilities, which is fraught with loss of fluid and the appearance of swelling.
More than 300 allergens have been identified , which the body of a pregnant woman interprets as foreign bodies. The most common irritants are represented by the following substances:
The actions of allergens provoke swelling of the mucous membrane, lacrimation, sneezing, itching and redness of the skin.
One of the most common pathological reasons why the nose becomes enlarged during pregnancy. When a woman is in an interesting position, the amount of progesterone in the blood increases , which prevents uterine contractions.
Performing a protective function, the hormone promotes the concentration of calcium in the body. Excessive mineral content leads to fluid accumulation , resulting in swelling of the nasal mucosa.
The consequences of mechanical bruises of the respiratory organ are damage to the mucous membrane. The deformity rarely affects bone structures and is mainly localized in the soft tissue area.
Injuries to the nose are often accompanied by an increase in mucous membrane, as a protective reaction of the body to interference in the natural process.
Fact! The rehabilitation period is determined by the individual characteristics of the body and the degree of injury. In patients with strong immunity, soft tissue regeneration occurs many times faster than in the presence of endocrine diseases.
The appearance of nasal swelling against the background of chronic diseases threatens the life of the mother and the health of the unborn baby. Detrimental phenomena include the following deviations:
The danger of the latter factor is placental abruption, oxygen starvation of the fetus, premature birth, and the development of pathologies in the baby.
The main symptoms of heart failure are swelling of the lower extremities; if there is an increase in the nasal mucosa, then we are talking about a serious form of pathology.
Important! One of the main reasons why swelling of the nasal mucosa occurs in a pregnant woman is the abundant influx of circulating blood.
Acute rhinitis without competent and timely treatment develops into chronic sinusitis, which affects the hearing organs.
Before drawing up a therapeutic regimen, it is important to correctly determine the nature of the pathology. The mechanism of action on pathogens involves the use of traditional medicine methods and the intake of pharmacological products of natural composition.
If swelling of the nasal mucosa is caused by mechanical injuries, then the degree of deformation of the soft and bone tissues is determined by the traumatologist.
In case of an allergic reaction, it is advisable to consult an allergist; an otolaryngologist specializes in relieving inflammation of the inner lining of the nose as a result of the development of viral and bacterial infections.
The goal of therapy is to clear the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses of secretions, stop the process of reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms, and normalize breathing.
The list of medicinal products that are allowed during pregnancy and breastfeeding includes the following medications:
Contraindications for use include hypertension, rapid heartbeat, and glaucoma. Using the drug for more than 4 days can cause atrophy of the mucous membrane and loss of smell. To enhance the effect of the active substances, it is recommended to toilet the nose, and then act on the mucous membrane. Manipulations are performed 3 times a day .
With the permission of the doctor, Vibrocil and Flixonase are used to relieve swelling. Before using any pharmacological product, carefully read the manufacturer's instructions to exclude the possibility of side effects.
The myth that folk remedies are not capable of causing harm is erroneous. Compared to synthetic products, they have a gentler effect on the body and are gentle on the gastrointestinal tract . However, for complex pathologies they are ineffective.
The main purpose of alternative medicine recipes is a general strengthening, immunomodulatory effect.
If your nose is swollen during pregnancy, the following recommendations will help reduce the symptoms at home:
If nasal swelling appears during pregnancy, do not ignore the body's signals. It is possible that the body’s defensive reaction was provoked by pathogenic microorganisms, but it is possible that the reason lies in more serious disorders. To protect your life and the health of your unborn baby, it is advisable to seek qualified medical help.