How and with what to treat bumps on the toes and phalanges of the toes Many people are familiar with the problem of a bump on the toe or a bulging bone. There are many reasons why it appears - from minor ones to signs of complex pathologies in the human body. Such phenomena can cause discomfort and a number of unpleasant sensations. Therefore, many people, faced with [...]
Ingrown toenail, what to do, treatment Ingrown toenail (onychocryptosis) is the ingrowth of the nail plate into the lateral edge of the nail fold (most often on the big toe, most often the outer edge). This is a very common disease. In this case, the nail fold becomes red and swollen, inflammation begins, causing severe pain. In the future, the development of a chronic inflammatory process is possible. Without proper treatment, the disease carries [...]
Why does the skin between the toes crack and how to treat it? If the skin between your toes cracks, how to treat such an unpleasant condition? This problem is more common in men than in women and children. First, you need to understand why the skin between your toes cracks and bursts. And the reasons can be different: The most common one is wearing uncomfortable shoes. Walking barefoot is [...]
Muscle pain when walking As soon as Homo sapiens straightened up and began to walk, obviously, from that moment on, muscle pain appeared when walking. Statistics say that during a lifetime (average duration 65-70 years) a person makes about 500 million step movements and practically covers the distance from the planet earth to its constant companion – the Moon, then […]
Degrees of foot deformity and methods of treating this pathology Foot deformity (see photo below) is a pathology characterized by damage to the joints at the base of the big toe, near which a so-called growth forms. This defect can spread to other fingers. If the foot is deformed, the patient may experience aching pain in the legs, which is accompanied by rapid fatigue. People suffer from this defect, like [...]
Lower back pain radiating to the right leg and buttock Pain radiating to the right leg and buttock is a rather serious symptom that may indicate several diseases at once. As a rule, pain appears gradually, moving from the lower back to the leg. Such problems with the lumbar spine are treated by a vertebrologist, neurologist, and osteopath. If a patient at any age has [...]
A complete review of pelvic varicose veins From this article you will learn: why pelvic varicose veins are considered a separate disease and not a type of varicose veins of the legs; who may get this disease and why. Manifestations and diagnosis of this pathology, how to treat it correctly, chances of recovery. Varicose veins of the pelvis are weakening of the walls of the internal [...]
We choose compression socks depending on your goals and objectives. Compression socks are a well-known way to get rid of various vein diseases and prevent their occurrence. Compression garments are also used in clinics to help patients recover after surgery, and are used by athletes to help avoid injury and overuse during exercise. And on top of that, it’s convenient and [...]
Why do your toes turn blue and what to do about it Today, rarely does anyone pay attention to little things like a runny nose, headache or minor bruises. But at some point you still have to pay attention to your own feet. If your toe turns blue, this can indicate a great variety of different diseases, from diabetes to vascular pathology. […]
Rashes on the skin and under the skin in the form of compactions and nodules are very common. Such nodules (papules) do not have a cavity and can be caused by the accumulation of infiltrate in the upper layers of the dermis, tissue proliferation, accumulation of metabolic products and glandular formations in the pores and glands. The size of dense nodules on the skin can reach the size of a grain (miliary), a coin (nummular), or a bean (lenticular). By […]