Causes and treatment of inflammation of the joints of the fingers Inflammation of the joints of the fingers interferes with normal human activity. What can you do well when your hands hurt? During this period, you can forget about skilled labor and creative impulses; Even holding a spoon sometimes becomes difficult. Is it possible to fight such a disease? In an unadvanced state, inflammation of the joints of the fingers can be treated even with folk remedies [...]
Methods for removing an ingrown toenail on the big toe A specialist can remove the nail through surgery, apply treatment with a keratolytic patch, or laser. After removing an ingrown nail affected by fungus, the doctor will tell you the rules for caring for your finger. For example, apply cream or ointment 1-2 times a day, apply dressings, and move around as little as possible. In order to prevent [...]
What to do if your calves hurt Pain in your calves can be due to many reasons and can cause many problems. A person may have no idea why his calves hurt and what to do about it. The main thing is not to self-medicate and consult a doctor who will prescribe treatment. After all, a muscle can often hurt due to serious illnesses and become a threat [...]
Tip 1: Why do feet itch Itching on the feet can appear due to stress, allergies, fungal skin diseases, burns, insect bites. Mechanical damage (rubbed feet with tight shoes) and various infectious diseases can also cause irritation. Allergies are the most common cause of itching. It makes your feet, ears, and palms itch. In rare cases, in addition to itching, swelling of the respiratory tract occurs, [...]
Treatment of a fractured shin bone: symptoms, diagnosis, terms of rehabilitation A crack in the shin bone is, of course, not a fracture of the ankle joint, but also a serious injury. A crack is an unfinished fracture, and if the victim is not helped in time, a fracture will most likely occur. Such an injury is easy to recognize; the crack causes acute pain, atypical for banal bruises. Let's take a closer look at what […]
Why do toenails crack and crumble? A person’s nails can be regarded as an indicator that shows the state of the body. If cracks appear on the toenails or fingernails, this may indicate the development of serious pathological processes. Having discovered such a problem, people should consult a doctor, who, after examination, will name the cause of the damage and [...]
How to cure back knee pain The knee joints are responsible for movement. The quality of human life depends on their health. Often people complain of pain in the knee, but there is pain under the knee, in the back. It is dangerous to health. Pain occurs in a person of any age, even in a child, which indicates a growing body. An adult needs to pay attention to pain [...]
My finger turned blue, what should I do? It just so happens that a person quite often causes harm to himself, regardless of any prevailing circumstances. And medicine is no exception to this list, since many people diagnose themselves based on certain symptoms, prescribe treatment, and only after any complications do they consult a doctor for a specialized examination and […]
Why allergic swelling of the legs occurs and how you can get rid of it Allergic arthritis is an inflammatory benign pathology that affects the joints. The root cause is an allergy to a particular antigen. Sometimes allergic swelling forms on a person’s legs. This pathological condition is also called allergic arthritis. Often this symptom is a consequence of various articular pathologies, but sometimes it can be caused by Quincke’s edema [...]
Elbow bursitis - what antibiotics? Elbow bursitis is a very common disease that can occur in representatives of some professions. It should be noted that this is a rather complex joint disease, which is characterized by an inflammatory process, otherwise it is inflammation of the elbow joint. How to treat and cure Treatment of elbow bursitis should begin with a protective regimen. Limit physical activity as much as possible. […]