All diseases starting with “A” - Directory of diseases Arthritis, what is it? Arthritis is a group of inflammatory diseases that occur throughout the body, the main manifestation of which is inflammation of the joints. With a long course of the disease, the inflammatory process can affect the articular surfaces (bone epiphyses, joint capsule, cartilage) and periarticular tissues (tendons, bursae, ligaments). The main types of arthritis: rheumatoid arthritis – the causative agent becomes [...]
Krasnoyarsk medical portal The ankle joint is one of the most important joints in a person, because most of the body weight rests on it. This is why ankle injuries occur very often. How to prevent these problems? Experts in surgery and fitness talk about this. Three ligaments are usually damaged in the ankle joint. And the most vulnerable of them […]
How to get rid of diaper rash between your toes? Diaper rash between the toes is an inflammation of the skin that occurs due to prolonged exposure to sweat. In general, diaper rash is a manifestation of a fungal infection in areas of skin folds, namely: between the fingers and toes; between the legs; in the armpits; under the breast; between the buttocks and thighs. This is a fairly common illness [...]
Hardware pedicure - advantages in differences Feet are the most important part of the body, because they are exposed to a lot of stress every day. This is especially true for the feet, since it is our feet that support the weight of the entire body. Tight and uncomfortable shoes, as well as poor ventilation, fungal infections, and many other factors can lead to the appearance of calluses and corns, damaged skin […]
Arthrosis of the cervical spine - what is it? Arthrosis of the cervical spine is a degenerative process of articular joints. Metabolic processes inside the joints worsen and slow down. Cartilage tissue does not receive enough nutrients and begins to dry out, losing its elastic properties. In general, this is a natural result of aging of the cervical spine. In addition to old age, the main risk factors are chronic stress, [...]
Believe it or not, just like your gastrointestinal tract, nervous system, and respiratory tract, all the joints in your body are interconnected no matter how far apart they are. Of course, if you sprain your knee while trying to outshine everyone at a wedding dance, or find your elbow hurting after five sets of tennis, the pain in your joints is […]
Horse chestnut: medicinal properties and uses Horse chestnut (other names: acorn and aesculus) belongs to the sapindaceae family. It is a fairly tall deciduous tree (25–30 m) with a dense dense crown. The leaves are large, compound palmate (up to 7 petals), on long petioles (stipules are absent). The flowers are white, medium-sized (up to two cm), bisexual, forming inflorescences in the form of a snow-white […]
How to prepare a foot bath for foot fungus Foot fungus is one of the most common skin diseases. A hundred years ago, few people managed to escape from this infection and successfully recover. Now the situation has changed dramatically, many antifungal drugs have appeared that not only remove the symptoms of the disease, but also completely relieve a person from the disease. Reasons and […]
Swelling after a cesarean section: what to do if your legs swell Very often, women after a cesarean section experience swelling in their legs, which may not go away for quite a long time. This causes aesthetic discomfort, because short skirts and tight dresses cannot be worn. Yes, and painful sensations, heaviness when walking and tired legs at the end of the day […]
The most effective painkillers for joint pain Ketorolac (Ketoprofen) are quite powerful painkillers used for pain in the joints of the legs, arms and spine. The medicine has a prolonged effect; for moderate pain, the exposure time of Ketorolac reaches 8 hours. But if the pain is severe, then the pills should be taken more often. The painkiller Dexetoprofen also has an anti-inflammatory effect […]