Let's find out why your feet may hurt in the morning? Most people who experience pain in their feet in the morning are accustomed to considering this a common occurrence, attributing it to fatigue and uncomfortable shoes. Cutting, aching and stabbing pains can occur after waking up, or can be companions throughout the working day. How not to miss a disease that manifests itself like [...]
What underwear is best to choose for the treatment of varicose veins in men, as well as the average price for compression stockings in pharmacies? For varicose veins, it is important to support damaged veins with compression stockings. It evenly distributes the load, relieves heaviness and the feeling of fatigue, increases performance and prevents further deformation of blood vessels. On sale you can find options for women and men. Men's […]
Swelling of the joints of the legs and their causes Swelling of the joints of the legs is too much fluid that accumulates in the tissues and cells of the body. Most often, edema of the subcutaneous tissue is understood as swelling. The sizes of edema can be different, they are also located differently. Swelling is usually accompanied by additional symptoms. In some cases, swelling is normal, in others […]